Read on for details on the WPC Grand Tournament and new miniCompetitio. I'll also explain that bizzare logo ;)
WPC Grand TournamentFirst things first. News on the WPC Grand Tournament. Well done to Teams Double Trouble & The Children of Chernobyl You guys are through to the final! Due to some schedualling conflicts, we shall be holding the grand final on the 24th/25th of May. That's two weekends away. So the next couple of weekends if the other teams are up for it we shall be holding some runner up comps for fun. Keep an eye out for details. I messed up and forgot to record the matches this time round (DOH). Don't forget you can watch the other matches though. As for that Xonotic logo above, Xonotic is a free open source game which is the spiritual sucessor to Quake, so if you miss bunnyhopping rocket jumping madness, then give it a shot. It's soooo much fun. miniCompetitionWell well well. That's right folks! Time for the next co-op miniCompetition!
The game! KILLING FLOOR! The goal! Get into a random server, dominate the top of the score board. (Has to be a public server.) Submissions: http://www.wolfpackclan.com/modules/n ... loor-minicompetition.html
More WPC members at the top of the board, the more points you score!
I can't believe I'm going to say this but it has to be said.
DO NOT EXPLOIT OR GRIEF TO ACHIEVE THIS! Play fair and be good sports to the KF community. We owe it a lot.
I recommend the following modded servers.
FluXi - Modded!
PS: There is a secret to winning this comp. See if you can figure it out. ;) I should point out there needs to be pub players for it to count.