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Clan Council : Newsletter 213.
Posted by AllDiction on 2014/5/3 23:00:00 (8575 reads)

little girl dressed as a dictionary

Welcome, Wolves, to Newsletter 213! Follow the Diction Fairy for more clan news.

First up is clan news. 

DJ Xenomorph.

So, our favorite mapmaker and computer genius has returned to producing, giving us this awesome track to feast our ears upon. 
Go have a looksee and let him know what you think!

Screenshot of the Week.

The 'Screenshot of the Week' thread is back in full force, this time run by Virion. Take your favorite silly screenshot of your gaming experience and submit it in the thread above. Winners will get their screenshot featured in next week's newsletter. I'm off my game, so I probably won't be winning this one. Go see about getting crowned champion!

Shit the WPC Says.

Welcome to the social media website that Zero and I run. We take the best and brightest - erm, funniest and most ridiculous - quotes you guys can throw at us - could be TeamSpeak, Snoozebox or Steamchat - and throw them up here to reminisce on the shenanigans, but seeing as how neither of us are always on, we run on your submissions! So, check it out, laugh and show us your ridiculous side! We even accept pictures! Here's one of mine, when things in minecraft with Zero and I got a little weird


WPC Grand Tournament. 

Reminder that this tournament is still on-going! All those involved should be there, and if you are not, what are you even doing? Those unable to participate, should at least be there to cheer on those who you would like to see win. Or, y'know, offer moral support. That would be good too. That being said, to all those still competing, good luck! 

That's all for the news this week, but remember, there's always a wolf in the woods. And this one's a sleep deprived, soaking wet, over-derpy fox. 

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/5/4 2:49  Updated: 2014/5/4 2:49
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 213.
Good letter AllDiction!
Published: 2014/5/4 3:21  Updated: 2014/5/4 3:21
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/5/24
From: Behind you. (Netherlands :D)
Comments: 800
 Re: Newsletter 213.
Nice nice
Published: 2014/5/4 11:32  Updated: 2014/5/4 11:32
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
 Short and Sweet
Nice newsletter Diction, told you it's easier to do now. ;)