Howdy wolves, we've got lots of "news" and news this week, remain seated for the following reading presentation. (If you want a live presentation buy me a plane ticket I'll come read it for you, then we can get ice cream or something) Starting first looks like a sore loser on COD sent a swat team to another players house. The new killstreak options in Ghosts seems a little overkill. 
Wolfpack Grand Tournament Super Competition Extraoirdinaire is starting this weekend, the game for this competition now is CSS, deagles at the ready. Some of them are done already but there's still plenty to go, results will be on the forum probably after tonight. For now in the game of Team Wolf v. Trackpad Warriors, Team Wolf has won. In the game of Double Trouble v. Zombie Escape Squad, Double Trouble has won. Remember to check out the tournament ladder. 
Have Left 4 Dead 2? Really good at killing zombies? Want to show off? Here's the competition for you. Guidelines are as follows Campaign: No Mercy (no bots allowed) Hardest difficulty wins, Second condition is fastest time. Whisky will think nice things of you if you do it with just pistols (you get bonus points too but who cares about those) No cheating or using exploits like that super secret glitch tunnely that skips 90% of the work. Screenshots or video required as proof of being the ultimate zombie slayer. 
Look at these things we can throw money at!!  | Like bikes? Like trials? Like restarting levels hundreds of times to perfectly land a bike on the second to last ramp after attempting it and failing for the last half an hour because your fingers keep fidgeting because it's three o'clock in the morning and you're on your seventh cup of coffee? THIS IS YOUR GAME!! It's actually very fun and a great addition to the IP, it's pretty much the same old formula but they've added tricks now so you can fly through the air and look flashy doing it. Only $20 for the main game, only drawbacks are Uplay and the extra $20 they expect you to drop for the season pass or Deluxe version. Seriously get this I want to beat all your times. |

| Perpetuum is a scifi mmorpg, it's available early access on steam (big warning light read no further if you don't like unfinished games) In the not-too-distant future, a strange anomaly opens the gates of the universe for humans. With this new technology, energy, information and atomic size objects can be transported to anywhere in space. The most intriguing of all new discoveries is an Earth-like planet, where humanity discovers a new source of energy, vital to its unbroken advancement. However, this planet is inhabited by a synthetic, robot-like life form. Their technology and resources are the goal of humanity's new conquest. Players may take part in various areas of the project. They may fight on the front lines for new territories, develop the already established infrastructure, trade goods or services, or even set their own goals and set up their own corporations. From what I've gathered if you like Eve or robots you might want to take a looky loo web link for the curious wolves who want to know more http://www.perpetuum-online.com/ |

Looks like the WPC pets thread has made a resurgence, head on over there and look at all the cute little animals with their tiny fuzzy faces. And show us your own pets, cats, dogs, chickens, gerbils, etc. doesn't matter what animal, there are horses in there post any animal including possibly the stray cat you saw down the street earlier. There's a couple of forum games going on in the Trashcan if you'd like to participate in those. Server space available it looks like, throw in your suggestions. Student wolves writing papers throw yours in students get some feedback, watch as Whisky rips your paper a new one. And we need radio content guys, get your creative minds and contribute to the radio. Look at this cool mix over here! There's also throwing out a plug for the shit WPC says tumblr, link to tumblr and to the submit page. 
There aren't any, BUT!! There is that nifty different font right there. Guess that's all for today folks Wolfy signing off and remember there's always a wolf in the woods and this one is blowing all his money on new games.