Good morning wolves, hope you have your drink of choice handy as I will be taking you through this weeks news. Let's see what is up first. Competitions
First things first a reminder of our WPC Grand Tournament. You have until Wednesday 16th April to sign your teams up. At that point team signup will be closed and the next weekend will be the first set of rounds. Seed will be random and we'll try and organise the best times for the matches. If you fail to turn up you will defualt your match and your oponent will go on to the next round. You will find the stream of the event at http://www.twitch.tv/whiskygartley 
We are currently running a mini comp which will close on Wednesday 16th. It's a co-op based objective in Payday2, check out the thread for details. One team has thrown submissions in and set the bar high. Website/ServersYou may have noticed some changes to our website; here is a quick run down of the changes. Codex
 You can now find our Codex nice and easy. This holds all the info you need to know about being a Wolf in our clan. Our website and server policies are also in this along with rank details. Be sure to give it a look over if you've not already had the chance. Wolves' Den .png)
Small change, before we had a shield that linked to our member list, now this logo show's who's who in WPC. Stats Server  It's returned! Our stats server has been reserected, unfortuantly with a bit of a memory loss. But this does mean a clean slate. All of our Source servers are linked up to this data base and you can check your rankings (aka e-peen) with your peers. Rewards are issued to players dayly so you can collect ribbens and medals for completing objectives. Current Servers are : Both CSGO, HL2DM and CSS. You can find it via http://wpcstats.co.uk or http://ts.wolfpackclan.com
Game Night!It's been a while since we've had one of those, for those who dont' know a game night is when WPC makes a concerted effort to pile into a game all together to represent! Alchohol is strongly advised and the party continues until the last man drops. This time AllDiction is hosting a Killing Floor night on Friday 18th. Be sure to check the forums for details. Other NewsSome wolves have been discussing classical music, you can find the thread here and chime in. Morj shared this piece with us during the week.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M57Fi19vcSI I'd also like to say, science is amazing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzKgnNGqxMw Kawa also found this gem, love it. XD 
RadioYou may remember this thread where I asked members who might be interested to submit their own shows. Well I've decided to add to the mix by creating Whisky's Rock Show, where I also interview members. The first one is a special where I've interviews all five of the LongFangs. You can enjoy it here until I've got my act together and got it on the radio proper. It will be airing 6pm UTC & CTZ. Online SecuritySmall public service announcement regarding online security. As the web is our home security is an important issue that is close to our hearts. There is currently an exploit known as Heartbleed that is effecting a lot of services at the moment. If you are concerned about web saftey then take the apropriate actions to protect yourselfs. More info can be found here & here. That's all from me today folks; remember there is always a wolf in the woods, and this one is revcovering from a night out at the pub at the time of writing. -Whisky Ninja Edit! (TM)