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Clan Council : Newsletter 209
Posted by AllDiction on 2014/4/6 9:00:00 (8240 reads)

Welcome Wolves, to your first newsletter from your new clan council. My name's Diction and I'll be your guide for all the gaming news that's fit to print!

First up, in Clan News:
It's time to get back into the spring of things (ha, see what I did there?) and shake things up a bit. We're bringing back content on the radio again - this means the DJs don't get all the fun anymore! That being said, we need YOUR help to make this happen. Hemi has graciously offered to make commercials for us again and Renowned and I have a little something up our sleeves, but that is not enough! We need to know what you guys want to hear from us! So click the link above and give us a little feedback. Your contribution is important to us! Seriously, don't make the council do all the work. This is your clan too, above all else.
Do you want to play a (word) game?
Good, because we have a ton of fun ones on the forums! Even if you don't post topics, you can always reply to these and cause a little mischief and it will increase your forum activity leaps and bounds! (This is your friendly reminder that we would like you guys to be active.)
And now for what we've all be waiting for.

Game News:
Goat Simulator.
Apparently, this game is causing quite a commotion in the youtube community as well as in our clan. (I think this is Hemi's favorite game. Just a feeling. It's not like he linked me to 3 different threads on the topic or anything). I mean, we have reviews, hilarious posts on the game's ragdoll physics, and mini games. Be sure to check it out! (It's actually super fun. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise).

Joke's on You.
It's April - thankfully, after April 1st - and that means it's time to recap the best and worst of April Fool's Pranks. Thankfully, Snooze's prank didn't make the list - but should have, for giving some of us a heart attack (thanks, Snooze).
(I'm not responsible for that one, but I did saran wrap the opening to the back door. And I might have done it to a toilet at work, but shhh).

Street Fighter vs Breaking Bad?
That's right, guys. Hemi here alerted me to this gaming gem earlier this week and I took a gander at it. If you're a fan of Breaking Bad and Street Fighter, it's definitely something to check into.
And finally.
It's no secret that I am a Deadpool fan. It's also no secret that I'm a fan of Deadpool Cosplays. While I'm not a fan of Pharrell, I did enjoy the video that Hemi linked me of D-Piddy's shenanigans, to the tune of Happy.
And that's all folks. It's finally spring and it's time to come back to life! Get ready to spam the forums and get active again!

Whisky's brought back his old Player of the Week thread. As he says "You've got to be in it to win it."
Details can be found here.

Member News
Not a lot to be said in the way of member news, if you have been up to anything cool be sure to share it with us in the boards. The really cool stuff get's a special mention ;) We do have one piece of news today though, I'd like you to join me in welcoming a new wolf to the clan.
Welcome to the clan, wear your WPC tags with pride. Remember you are now one of us so do us proud.

Remember, there's always a wolf in the woods, and this one's dead from the flu.

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/4/6 10:17  Updated: 2014/4/6 10:17
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Scotland
Comments: 550
 Re: Newsletter 209
Nice one Diction, pretty much covered all the bases :)
Published: 2014/4/6 13:03  Updated: 2014/4/6 13:03
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 209
Good one diction! Kinds sad my joke didnt make the list but i'm happier it made the newsletter!!
Published: 2014/4/6 15:57  Updated: 2014/4/6 15:57
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/5/24
From: Behind you. (Netherlands :D)
Comments: 800
 Re: Newsletter 209
Hahaha, nice one!
Published: 2014/4/6 17:02  Updated: 2014/4/6 17:02
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: Newsletter 209
Great first newsletter as council member Diction
Welcome to the clan Reavenbroke
Published: 2014/4/6 18:30  Updated: 2014/4/6 19:01
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/3/6
From: my own personal hideout in the mountains
Comments: 367
 Re: Newsletter 209
nice one diction! and welcome raven!
Published: 2014/4/6 21:09  Updated: 2014/4/6 21:09
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Newsletter 209
nice news letter diction :)
Published: 2014/4/6 21:50  Updated: 2014/4/6 21:50
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/12/1
From: Columbus.
Comments: 380
 Re: Newsletter 209
Glad this newsletter was a good one for you all.
Hope to bring you more and better newsletters for the rest of my term. :]
Published: 2014/4/6 23:21  Updated: 2014/4/6 23:21
Pack Member
Joined: 2014/2/26
From: Long Island, NY
Comments: 32
 Re: Newsletter 209
So Diction. Much news. Can we have a meme-off between Doge and MoonMoon? lmfao
Published: 2014/4/6 23:26  Updated: 2014/4/6 23:26
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 209
Good job on your first newsletter.
Published: 2014/4/8 1:52  Updated: 2014/4/8 1:52
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/7/11
From: Georgia
Comments: 54
 Re: Newsletter 209
Nice one Diction! Welcome Reaven! :D