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Website : Servers Back Online
Posted by Whisky on 2014/3/30 0:00:00 (5325 reads)

Servers Back Online

Good news! Buzz has just kicked ass and got our servers back up and online!
Teamspeak is running, servers are back and we are rocking!
Well done Buzzy, go have a beer and put your feet up. You deserve it man.
Couple a items still need configuring and that'll be my task. Better get cracking then.

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/3/30 1:18  Updated: 2014/3/30 1:18
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Servers Back Online
This round with the system was tough but I fought my way through any and all issues to get the machine back to its normal state..Its up to you now whisky to sort things out now..