Posted by theblade009on 2014/3/10 5:03:12 (8815 reads)
News Letter 205
Pay Day 2!
As you all know PD2 has gotten alot of updates lately and one of the biggest was the deathwish difficulty last week. But now Payday 2 is getting a stealth update! for all you people who dont play like i do which is a bit like this
Don't forget people its time! Apply now for fame and glory! Submit your application and now and receive a free bagel! with purchase of said bagel at any bakery of your choosing, not valid in all states, this product is known to cause cancer in the state of California, some exclusions may apply, see store for more details. ... ns-submission-thread.html
AVP 2010!
AVP 2010 is on sale folks! 75% off! Get it to join us in Aliens week 2014!
Sorry for the late newsletter I literally had to work overtime all week and weekend so im just now getting to it. anyway thats it for me folks remember theres always a wolf in the woods and this one is tired as shit but carries a huge...zzzzzZZZZzzzzz
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