Welcome dustinMAB5150 our newest member, wear those tags with pride.
Gaming News

As we all know and most are happy about, Games For Windows Live is shutting down soon. For all those interested if their favourite games are going to be moving over to the steamworks servers. This is a list of all the games that are currently confirmed to be making the conversion.
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Enhanced Edition
Bioshock 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Game of the Year Edition)
Batman: Arkham City (Game of the Year Edition)
F1 2010
F1 2011
Fallout 3
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II
I'll be leaving the article here for those who want to read through and get updates on the situation if their favourite game(s) aren't on this list.
http://www.cinemablend.com/games/List ... FWL-Steamworks-59613.html

Call of Payday 2 has recently received another free update. For those of us that thought the Overkill difficulty to be to easy, they have added the Death Wish difficulty which adds two more powerhouse enemies as well as subtle changes to every heist. This update adds a pair of brass knuckles if knives aren't you're thing. As well for the completionists among us, for defeating every heist on each difficulty, a unique mask is awarded along with an achievement.
So for those of us still playing payday 2, get out there, get prestieg... I mean infamous and start collecting these masks (Ill give it to Overkill, the Death Wish mask looks awesome)
Most all of us know about DayZ standalone. The current news on the game is fairly interesting with a new cooking system inspired by that of its fellow zombie game Project Zomboid. Items will heat up like normal food and eventually will be cooked and can also be overcooked. If you'd like to read more into the development, you can check out the tumblr where they have been posting the development status's. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/781191 ... ing-our-focus-on-survival
The game Murdered Soul suspect released a gameplay preview with the good people over at the Escapist (our friends who host Zero punctuation). This is a game im fairly excited to see because its not just another fps or zombie sim that have been getting churned out as of late. It reminds me most of Rockstar game's L.A Noire, and this excites me. I hope the game turns out as good as it looks.
The makers of the Command and Conquer series have released the game, Renegade X. A FPS that has somehow managed to be created completely free. That's right, no micro transactions or pay to win .etc
“Renegade X is a free Tactical Shooter that aims to brings the Command and Conquer FPS experience to the Unreal Engine 3. Players will be able to join up to 64-players and fight for two unique teams - the Global Defence Initiative (GDI), a UN international military force committed to world order and peacekeeping, and the Brotherhood of Nod, a messianic international terrorist network that aims to push humanity into the next stage of human evolution.”
This is the official site if you'd like to read more into the game or download and play it. http://renegade-x.com/about
The game Dragons prophet seems to be leaving its beta stages soon, along with seeming to have an obsession with making Metal trailers. This is a game where you can fight and quest like a normal mmo but with a twist. Almost any dragon type monster you see, you can capture and mount from the start. These help in battle and obviously help you to get around much faster and cooler than normal. You can head over to their site here to download the game or read up more about it. https://www.dragonsprophetthegame.com/home

Our own Hydro hosted a game of Battlefield 1942 this past Friday. I wasn't able to make it due to personal reasons but from what I’ve heard the game went great. The top three are as follows.
Hydro pointed out that he would’ve came first but he was hosting so he wasn't allowed win
Congrats to the winners and Happy 14th Birthday to Kasey from myself and the rest of the WPC, enjoy you're special day.

Because im a massive fanboy of DarkSouls, I couldn't go without posting the trailer to Dark Souls 2 in my newsletter. This is one of those games that I 100% can not wait to see come out and from what I’ve heard from those who have played it early. Its much better than the original. The PC release is unconfirmed as to when its coming but it is coming this month. As well the console release is the 11th of this month. If you're like me and a massive fan you may want to check out the official site here and possibly preorder a copy (im holding out for the pc version).
Also as an extra for those on the fence about trying the series, Yahtzee has made a Zero Punctuation on the original Dark Souls that may help persuade others to give the game a go.
The current Humble bundle which expires in about a day features some good indie titles for cheap and a few more for paying around 5$. From the games im seeing, paying the 5$ seems to be a good choice, as it stands you get Dust an Elysian Tail, as well as the swapper. Both games that I've heard many good things about, as well as Antichamber which is another game I've heard good things about. The rest I haven't had the chance to look into but im sure they are just as good as the rest.
The Humble weekly sale is sporting a menagerie of Sim games ranging from bridge project to Farm sim pro if you pay 10$. Quite an odd range of games but if you like Sims they are all perfectly lined up here.

Other News

Adam Driver (The gentlemen in the picture), has been (seemingly) confirmed to play the main villain in Disney's Star wars Episode 7. They say that he will be playing a character similar to Darth Vader. What do you all think about this? Leave your opinions in the comments below. Do you guys think he will make a good villain or not?
Full article: http://screenrant.com/star-wars-7-villain-adam-driver/
For those of us who like game theories and haven't already seen this one. This may bring some nostalgia back for some of us. Proving that, People. Are. Pokemon.
Keeping with the theme of nostalgia and ending the newsletter because of a lack of other news. Here is the first episode of the Pokemon series “Pokemon Origins” a animated series that follows the story of the old games instead of the misadventures of Ashe Ketchup.
Hope you all enjoyed today's newsletter, and remember. There is always a wolf in the woods sleeping in on the weekend.