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Clan Council : NEWSLETTER 199
Posted by Sinwars on 2014/1/26 9:56:23 (6649 reads)

Hello to a bit of a sleepy Sunday morning. It's cold, raining and I want to be back in my bed  . However there is news to be brought to the masses so let the bringing of news commence.

There are no new members to report of this week. (Stop slacking Sendo)

Other than starting with the member news, and as it was Burns night over here last night, I thought I would share what is traditionally eaten on the 25th January to celebrate the work and life of Robert Burns.

Here (on left) we have a rare photo of a wild haggis before it has been prepared for the meal, pictures of the animal are rare as the wild haggis is extremely nimble and fast, due to this very few have been caught or seen.
Now if any one wishes to sample this delight here is what you will need

A haggis is actually a large spherical sausage made of the liver, heart, and lungs of a sheep, all chopped and mixed with beef or mutton suet and oatmeal and seasoned with onion, cayenne pepper, and other spices. The mixture is packed into a sheep’s stomach and boiled. Haggis is usually accompanied by turnips and mashed potatoes; Scotch whisky is customarily drunk with it.


As of a couple of days ago Star Citizen have released there organisation hub. This has not gone unnoticed by our very own WPC Tic who was quick of the mark into looking at Star Citizen, although it is about a year off Tic would appreciate any feedback on the WPC Star Citizen Organisation Page that has been created, heres a list of some of the chages that can be made but for full list visit ... citizen-organisation.html

Archetype - Organization, Corporation, PMC, Faith, Syndicate.
Primary and secondary activity - Bounty hunting, Engineering, Exploration, Freelancing, Infiltration, Piracy, Resources, Scouting, Security, Smuggling, Social, Trading, Transport.
Commitment - Casual, Regular, Hardcore.
Role Play - No, Yes
You can also alter branding and content.

StarCraft 2 has had a massive update with a whole host of things being tweaked,balanced, and possibly rebroken but best of all FREE STUFF.
The entirety of the Arcade, along with all of the maps, mods, and games found within, has been made accessible to all StarCraft II: Starter Edition players for free.

All Custom Games are now available to Starter Edition players.

All three races have been unlocked for Starter Edition players.

Along with a whole host of fixes and tweaks for indepth details vist">


So it was Saturday night, everything was quiet on ts, a little too quiet for most peoples liking. Although some members were able to cope with this, others had full mental breakdowns which caused confusion and disorienttion to the point that they loaded up ACM for the night.
Although dazed and confused by the evenings events im assured that there was no lasting effects to any players other than they want to do it all over again.
If you think you can survive the insanity, then jump on ts and jon in the MADNESS.
(wpc takes no responsibility for any ill effects you may suffer from after this)


Next Saturday around 7pm UK time, a few of us will be playing Awesomenauts, the plan is to have a few inner clan matches for shits and giggles and to see who will rage quit first .
I will be making a post in the forums so anyone that is interested can say so.


Sanctum 2 has been free to play all weekend and is on sale for approx. £2.00. If you havent got this game already you need to get it.
In Sanctum 2 you will need to build towers and walls during the building phase before the enemies attack, then jump into the fray and help your towers blast everything to pieces in FPS-mode. You can progress through the single player campaign yourself, or play up to 4-player co-op with your friends to discover the secrets of the planet LOEK III and why the aliens are so set on destroying the Cores you are sworn to protect.


WPC Webley has had a little spare time on his hands and has come up with this supercool theme for Windows that is a live desktop using Rainmeter (Graphs and Numbers are live).
Here is the link for the download and install instructions ... 1id3BQOVk&usp=sharing

Sweet Webley very sweet.
Please if you try this out could you give Webley some feedback it would be most appreciated, thank you.

Well thats all from me for another week and I hope to hear you all on ts whatever everyone gets up to.
Remember theres always a wolf in the woods and some are lost in Payday 2 (you know who you are )

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/1/26 12:46  Updated: 2014/1/26 12:46
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
I like this newsletter! Its funny :D
Published: 2014/1/26 14:45  Updated: 2014/1/26 14:45
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
I want some Haggis!! Yummy
Published: 2014/1/26 16:01  Updated: 2014/1/26 16:01
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/14
From: New York
Comments: 113
Awwwwww. The wolves are so adorable!!!! :D and I want more people to play sc2 with me for the arcade. XD and i wanna play sanctum 2 lol.
Published: 2014/1/26 18:21  Updated: 2014/1/26 18:21
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Greece
Comments: 498
That was a good read! By the way the link to Webley's program might need some editing as it is broken.
Published: 2014/1/28 21:21  Updated: 2014/1/28 21:21
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
Nice newsletter as always
Published: 2014/1/28 21:25  Updated: 2014/1/28 21:25
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
Love the Newsletter Sin The haggis gave me a laugh also looks like there's a potato next to that haggis