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Clan Council : Newsletter 197
Posted by SendoKasai on 2014/1/12 4:01:35 (4422 reads)

Welcome Wolves to another WPC newsletter. Not much news this week but lets get this thing started!

No new members this week

Gaming News


This is a very interesting game that is getting on its final days of its kickstarter. This is an interesting MMO with allot of features to look into. If this is your kinda thing you can check out the site here where you can find the kickstarter if you'd like to donate some cash. Join the conversation on our forum here.

Yes thats right another L4D2 has come and gone. You can go here and see the highlights as well as discuss another possible night or game for us all to play together.

Our own SinWars is getting ready to set up a clan game of awesomenauts. No official post, date or time has been set up yet, but keep your eyes out wolves its coming soon!

The new humble bundle is looking pretty good. With indie titles such as To The Moon and Runner2 being available for the lowest price of a dollar. As well as Reus, Surgen Sim and some yet to be added games to be obtained for five dollars and thirty cents.

The weekly sale has some interesting games, some of which I haven't heard of. Trine and Trine2 are among these games you can get.

As always you can find the humble bundle and weekly sale at and

Other News

Not much going on as far as other news but here is what little I could get together

Thats it for today's newsletter folks. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Remember there is always a wolf in the woods, working for the weekend

something extra I found while surfing the net

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