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Clan Council : News Letter 196
Posted by theblade009 on 2014/1/6 4:11:37 (4660 reads)

Happy New Year Wolves!
Great to see everyone made it into 2014. Now its time to get your drink on
Apparently Ninjax took that to heart

Now for the news. Theres not been a ton of news with it being the new year and all. However, there is something very important.
New Member!
Congrats on making wolf Saigon. Remember to always never be too serious and you shall be just like us. and who doesn't want to be just like us? I mean were totally awesome n stuff.

I know its not new but several of our members have gotten into the Day Z stand alone early access and it sounds like they have changed a bunch of stuff since I last played the mod. So maybe check that out and game with the gang.

Duck tales remastered! is on sale and lets face it. duck tales was one of the greatest games of our generation and should be treasured and experienced by all old and new.

So basically Zombie Minecraft? Anywho the early access trend has made another unfinished game available to play. Its literally described as "the survival horde crafting game". so sign up all ye who are interested in such things and let me know how that goes.

So this week the big ole meanieheads took the fallout games off of GoG as well as Steam. However, there is good news. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO
No but really Bethesda finally has full ownership of the fallout series and will put them all up on steam as soon as possible. YAY!

Speaking of steam. Some asshats this week performed a DDOS attack that caused much pain for EA and Origin this week. Now ordinarily id would be like YAY except that some asshats also did that to Steam! I am afraid there is only one recourse
Well thats all I'v got for this week. Lets make some stuff happen wolves. Excitement! Noise!

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/1/6 11:51  Updated: 2014/1/6 11:51
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
 Re: News Letter 196
Fallout is stripping out GFWL, which is finally dropping dead. Reason enough to celebrate I'd say.
Published: 2014/1/6 20:53  Updated: 2014/1/6 20:57
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: News Letter 196
Yay for the new year(pissoff)
Yay for Saigon(coolstorybro)
Yay for dayz(pissoff)
Yay for ducktales(childhood)
yay for fallout(meh)
Yay for 7 days to die(idunno)
yay for ddos attack(pissoff)
Yay for blade making a newsletter(Everyone happy,happy,happy)
Published: 2014/1/6 23:05  Updated: 2014/1/6 23:05
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/3/6
From: my own personal hideout in the mountains
Comments: 367
 Re: News Letter 196
LOL dont be jealous of that fedora blade...
Published: 2014/1/7 3:47  Updated: 2014/1/7 3:47
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/12/1
From: Columbus.
Comments: 380
 Re: News Letter 196
That's not a fedora.
Published: 2014/1/7 12:20  Updated: 2014/1/7 12:20
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: News Letter 196
Sweet Newsletterino Bladerino cappuccino
Is it just me or does the geico gecko remind anyone of Gex?