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Clan Council : Newsletter 194
Posted by SendoKasai on 2013/12/22 5:19:53 (5995 reads)

Hey Wolves, Sendo here with your holiday newsletter. Grab some spiked eggnog because its time to get snowed in.

New Members: No new members this week

Gaming News

Yes thats right folks, the day is finally upon us. DayZ stand alone is finally out and buy able as a early access title which is currently in a very buggy Alpha build. You can view the game on steam here. Or join the conversation going on in our own forum here.

This is a game some of you may have been waiting for. From what I can tell this is a game much like war thunder/world of war planes.etc. You can sign up here if you would like to be part of the beta. Go here if you'd like to join the conversation and speculation on the game.

Yes CS:GO fans, a winter update for CS has been released and it seems to be a fairly hefty one sitting around 2 gb. You can find out more information on it here.

Steams famous Team-Fortress2 Has gotten its annual winter update, compete with new crates, keys, and community made items suited for every trader and player alike. So if TF2 is your thing, get on and push that objective!

Our own ChimpNorris and Blitzkrieg are trying to organize a L4D2 game night. A date and time are being discussed currently. Go here if you'd like to rsvp, discuss times/dates .etc

The gaming site Kotaku has released a list of their “Biggest disappointments of 2013” in gaming. It is a pretty extensive list which some of us may or may not relate to, either way its worth a once over if not a read while the snow is piling up outside (Or the rain, dam global warming). You can find the article here.

Humble bundle's store is having its first (and possibly annual) Winter sale, you can find good deals on games there, mostly indie titles with some of the money going to a good cause as always with the humble bundle.

If the store isn’t your style, the original and only humble bundle is packed with a few odd titles this week that work for pc and for android, so if you have a tablet or phone you can cuddle up and play some of these titles. The normal titles include Little Inferno, Gemini Rue, AaaaaaaaAAAaaa!!! for the awesome (as well as the android version AaaAa!!! Force = Mass x Acceleration), and a strange title called Jack lumber (kind of like fruit ninja with logs and less quick movements). For beating the average you can unlock Hero Academy and Anomaly 2 as well as whatever extra games they release in the future.

In the humble sale we have some games by a indie developer called Puppy Games. For only a dollar you can get access to all four titles, and instead of having more games for beating the average, if you pay 150$ you can unlock the Source Code for all of the games. As always, you just need to head over to Humble Bundle and choose your amount, they even have their own in house credit card checkers so you wont even need to go through pay pal or anything else.

Yes its that time of year again Gaben Clause, Steam's annual Winter (wonderland) Sale, complete with new achievements and some “Snow Globes”(Cards). But as always with the sale there are new deals every day, so keep that in mind when emptying out your wallet to grab games, that a flash sale or daily sale may have saved you a few bucks. If you have Globes or Christmas items to trade, Cherry has a thread for it found here. Drop by and leave some offers on items .ect

To end off the gaming news section today, im going to leave you all with this video that you may or may not have seen by a YouTuber called “Game Theory”. This is a video about the beloved character Mario, and its a bit of a hit in the childhood. Enjoy, and feel free to speculate about this or other gaming theories around the forum.

Other News

Some good people over the holidays wanted to spend their money and time helping the homeless people in there area. Allot of people do it this time of year and for other holidays and its always great to see the good side of people like this.

A tourist this week in Melbourne Australia this week was too busy checking up on facebook to check where she was going and walked off of a pier. Though we don't have any video of that happening, we do have other examples of stupidity like this one above.

A man going through airport security with his baby son this week learned that when things tip they usually fall. Thankfully this awesome security guard was able to catch the poor little guy and deliver him to his mother. Thank god there are good people to somewhat balance out the bad and dumbfounded. This one isn't on the tubes so here is the link so you can all check this guy out.

This last video is a funny one based off of the Lord of the Rings series. I myself found it quite funny but you can all be the judge of that.

To end off this weeks newsletter I thought id tell you all about a creature called Krampus. This lovely looking creature (who could be a relative of the Grinch). He is a creature that when you've been extra bad in the Christmas season, takes the naughty children and puts them in his sack, carrying them off to his lair. Once there he would drown them, eat them or even transport them to hell (not exactly the Grinch we all know who's heart grew 3 sizes)

In allot of places in Europe (like in the picture above) people celebrate by dressing up as him/it and parade around the streets. Who knows whether or not he's real, either way if you were a kid this would be a good scare and a good reason to be good (at least during the holiday season)

Well that's it for today's Newsletter guys and girls, I hope you all enjoyed it. Remember there is always a wolf in the woods, dashing through the snow.

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/12/22 5:28  Updated: 2013/12/22 5:30
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
 Re: Newsletter 194
FIRS...*gets slapped*

Nice Letter Sendoz
Published: 2013/12/22 8:41  Updated: 2013/12/22 8:41
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 194
Great newsletter!
Published: 2013/12/22 9:23  Updated: 2013/12/22 9:23
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
 Re: Newsletter 194
Great newsletter mate, nice and long as well.
Published: 2013/12/22 17:39  Updated: 2013/12/22 17:39
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/12/1
From: Columbus.
Comments: 380
 Re: Newsletter 194
Dat gif. I miss that anime. :(

Did my good deed for the day yesterday though. Someone was a few dollars short on their order; paid for the rest of it myself. Could have gotten in trouble but screw it, it's the holidays.