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Clan Council : Newsletter 191
Posted by Hydro on 2013/12/1 14:50:00 (3767 reads)
Clan Council

Hey Guys!

This one is going to be a short one, it's been a quiet week with the release of the next gen consoles!

My funny video for the week is from Steve Kardynal:

I think it's better than the original XD

Tactical Intervention:

This game is counter strike- inspired but in terms of mission's its much better!! And get has dogs!

You can get your canines to maul the terrorists! I tested it out after Sinwars recommended it,
It's really good!

Killing Floor Night:

This Saturday, we're hoping to have another killing floor night on our DOOM zeds server!

IP is: be sure to favourite it! It has all the zeds from the DOOM series and perks up to lvl 20!

Thats all folks!

Remember....there's always a wolf in the woods...and one will be having a cub soon! :D

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/12/2 20:52  Updated: 2013/12/2 20:52
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Newsletter 191
Nice newsletter m8

and that pic is damn scary * and can some cut mileys tongue out as its got a life of its own these days * its always out
Published: 2013/12/8 4:56  Updated: 2013/12/8 4:56
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/10/13
From: Halfiax, Nova Scotia
Comments: 18
 Re: Newsletter 191
I wish I knew about the KF night!!! We should have more of these but with different games so like maybe Gmod or starbound or other cheap games so everything can get in!

P.s well done on the newsletter.
Published: 2013/12/8 8:56  Updated: 2013/12/8 8:56
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 191
We dont post the newsletter for nothing you know, read the damn thing and you might know about such events.
Published: 2013/12/8 21:39  Updated: 2013/12/8 21:39
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: Newsletter 191