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Clan Council : NewsLetter 190
Posted by Hemi on 2013/11/24 12:04:19 (3524 reads)

Double XP weekend almost over!

Quick get on mattherson and start fraggin'! Planetside is having a BDay party with lots of double XP!

"Also, as a HUGE thank you to all of our players, from Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 at 12:00 AM to Sunday, November 24th, 2013 at 11:59 PM PST, there will be double experience in PlanetSide 2. Prepare yourself for mass battle and lots of Certification Points, soldiers!"
EVE Rubicon launched!

EVE Rubicon brings new ships and new ways of exploring the gallaxy of EVE online.

"The pilots of EVE have grown bold, defying the Empires that once created them. Is it dissent? Subversion? Or is it the beginning of a new age, where the immortal elite of a universe take their first steps toward truly claiming the heavens as their own?"
Killing Floor :
Doom server

Lots of new toys on the server, and Buzz and Timber have been working hard on getting this baby running flawless.

» Server IP here!
New Members

Welcome WPC ChimpNorris. You are now an official member and can wear our [WPC] Tags with pride! Just a little piece of advice though :

Lazy people...

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/11/24 13:54  Updated: 2013/11/24 13:54
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: NewsLetter 190
Flawless newsletter there Hemi,love the Doom 3 KF icon and a HUGE welcome to ChimpNorris as our newest member.And as Hemi said...POST MORE YOU DARN LAZY
Published: 2013/11/24 17:39  Updated: 2013/11/24 17:39
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
 Re: NewsLetter 190
good job as always hemi love the title
Published: 2013/11/24 18:33  Updated: 2013/11/24 18:33
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Scotland
Comments: 550
 Re: NewsLetter 190
nice one Hemi, I like the new layout as well, looks very smart
Published: 2013/11/24 20:08  Updated: 2013/11/24 20:08
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: NewsLetter 190
What Sin said Great newsletter Hemi
Published: 2013/11/24 21:08  Updated: 2013/11/24 21:08
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/5/24
From: Behind you. (Netherlands :D)
Comments: 800
 Re: NewsLetter 190
sweet layout too, and right to the punch with news. Nice!
Published: 2013/11/24 21:36  Updated: 2013/11/24 21:36
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: NewsLetter 190
My husband does the best newsletters!
Published: 2013/11/25 4:43  Updated: 2013/11/25 4:43
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Greece
Comments: 498
 Re: NewsLetter 190
Great newsletter, welcome WPC ChimpNorris, enjoy you stay
Published: 2013/11/30 20:54  Updated: 2013/11/30 20:54
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/4/3
From: Bakersfield, California
Comments: 1368
 Re: NewsLetter 190
Awww fuck, I got outdone lol

Nice newsletter <3