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Clan Council : Newsletter 189
Posted by SendoKasai on 2013/11/17 5:38:54 (4880 reads)

Welcome wolves to another Wpc Sendofied Newsletter. I hope your enjoying your weekend (or long weekend). I know I sure am... So lets get started with the news!

New members

We have no new members this week

Player of the week

Whisky would like to remind everyone that player of the week is still on. He'd like every wolf to get into gear and start getting the ball rolling!

Gaming News

Thats right folks its back and ready for duty. Planet Side 2 has just received a massively needed update to its optimization. This update has fabled to make the game run smother and give 30-50% better fps rates. Credit for this goes to Mitch, you can all check out his post about this here: Link

Our Doom server, moderated by Timberwolf, has been showing allot of success as of late with almost 800 players perked and playing. Our apprentice KF admin Timber has been keeping on top of the server on a daily basis as well as adding new weapons under the supervision of Buzz and Hemi a master KF admin. So don't be afraid to hop on over, say hi to Timber and check out the server!

Sin has informed me that Path of Exile has just gotten a new patch. From what I can see its a rather large patch. But since I don't know what im talking about as far as this game goes. Ill leave you all a link so that those interested may read through the notes. Patch Notes

This weeks humble bundle is looking pretty good. For the lowest price of one dollar you can get Batman: Arhkam asylum GOTY, Fear 2, Fear 3, and LOTR War in the North. By beating the low average of $4.62 you will get Scribblenauts Unlimited as well as Batman: Arkham City GOTY. This can all be found here as always: HumbleBundle

Humble bundle has also introduced something they are calling the Humble Store. This is a place seemingly where they sell indie games at low prices. You can check it out here: Humble Store

Other News

In other news, our very own Hemi had a slow day at work and decided to print off a 488 page manual for Eve online. Talk about having time too much time on your hands at work. You can hear all about it here: Link

Hemi also has posted up a 21 day free trial for Eve. So go here and give it a try!

Thats it for today's newsletter, hope everyone has a great weekend. Remember, there is always a wolf in the woods with too much time on there hands!

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/11/17 10:29  Updated: 2013/11/17 10:29
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 189
Nice newsletter. Lots of Hemi, lol.

It seems we are back to square 1 with the console wars... I was hoping this time around it would be more mature... lame

The EVE manual is very helpfull, so if the folk that play EVE desperately want a copy..I can prob arrange that.
Published: 2013/11/17 10:34  Updated: 2013/11/17 10:34
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: Newsletter 189
I wonder if we will have any teething issues with this gen as we did last *cough* Red Ring of Death *cough*.

Think I'll wait for 6 months to see what the craic is before I splash out. My brother somehow managed to break the DVD drive in my PS3. Blu Ray and games still work fine ^^
Published: 2013/11/17 14:29  Updated: 2013/11/17 14:29
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
 Re: Newsletter 189
Cool newsletter.

Alpha, 1/4 PS4s haven't worked out the box, that with the change to there sharing policy. Fuck both the consoles this gen
Published: 2013/11/17 16:07  Updated: 2013/11/17 16:07
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 189
*cough* Red Ring of Death *cough*.

*cough* Blue pulse/blink of Death *cough*.
Published: 2013/11/17 17:36  Updated: 2013/11/17 17:36
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
 Re: Newsletter 189
lol nice newletter sendo and comments guys
Published: 2013/11/17 17:54  Updated: 2013/11/17 17:54
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: Newsletter 189
Another awesome newsletter Sendo as they always are,and thank you for mentioning me and buzz about the server and i am proud to work with buzz on it.
Also guys don't forget about B-2 as he needs to be praised as well.
Published: 2013/11/17 20:23  Updated: 2013/11/17 20:23
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Newsletter 189
Nice news letter m8 ,

going by posts on the net . there is a few ps4.s not working * so i will wait tell a few more games and teething problems get fixed *

so i think a new pc and camera will come first before getting a new console
Published: 2013/11/19 2:32  Updated: 2013/11/19 2:32
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: Newsletter 189
Nice newsletter Sendo