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Clan Council : NEWSLETTER 188
Posted by Sinwars on 2013/11/10 9:34:42 (5527 reads)

Good Morning all to this freezing Scottish Sunday with me Sin, A few things on the gaming front to go through so lets gets it on.

There are no new members this week, however this may be edited later, due to a lapse in duties from a couple of council members..... you know who you are

Six action-packed games to add to your collection. The Humble WB Games Bundle features six of the publisher’s top
titles. Pay what you want and get the first installment of the critically-acclaimed Batman: Arkham franchise, Batman:
Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition, as well as both of the intensely frightening paranormal shooters F.E.A.R. 2:
Project Origin and F.E.A.R. 3 and the groundbreaking action-RPG, Lord of the Rings: War in the North! Pay more
than the average and you’ll also unlock Scribblenauts Unlimited and the sequel to Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham
City Game of the Year Edition.
The Humble Bundle has added a new feature to its already-popular package of game sales and charity outreach: the ability to gift games to family or friends. Humble is calling the new option "experimental," according to an announcement on its blog, but it's likely going to be a hit due to the enormous variety of games we often see in Humble's various digital download offers.
We still see the familiar "Steam will not provide extra giftable copies of games you already own" warning when deciding to take part in the current Humble WB Bundle or the new Daedalic Weekly Sale, but now the site's interface includes a separate button to launch any extra copies off to a different destination. The instructions for making the new gifting process work appear refreshingly straightforward.

Valve have added the Workbench to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, a tool for viewing and creating Counter-Strike
skins. Valve’s tool lets creators work with materials that resemble the materials of actual real world gun decorators. Valve
researched real-world finishing techniques and reproduced spray-painted camouflaging, hydro-dipping, patinas, and more. We also wanted to represent what happens to weapon finishes in the field. Even the most durable finish gets chipped with heavy use, so every finish is available in a variety of states of wear..


Thanks to SirSwish for this one, Extraction is now accepting applications for the closed beta.

Extraction the new highly-competitive, free-to-play PC shooter from Splash Damage, the developer of Wolfenstein:
Enemy Territory and Batman Arkham Origins multiplayer. This is the next echelon of FPS excellence, made by gamers, for gamers.
Snipe, attack, cover, or heal throughout the streets of London with a wide range of mercenaries, each big on
personality and long on abilities. Select the style that best fits you, master your merc, and serve your team. These
five mercenaries are only a handful of the available mercs and part of an ever-expanding selection of hard-hitting
So if this is what floats your boat then join myself and SirSwish and sign up for the beta.

In preparation for Race Season Five (which starts on around November 16), PoE are running a set of 12 race events this
weekend. These are a great opportunity for new players to the game to try out Path of Exile Racing before the
actual competitive season starts.
A Race in Path of Exile is a fresh league that lasts for a few hours where players try to get to the highest possible
level, In some of the race leagues you get to keep the character that you made for the race along with any drops you find and at the end of the league your character is moved to the story line but in the hardcore league. Others you play your character wont be kept but you will be rewarded depending on your finishing position.

Our very own Buzz and Timberwolf have been tinkering with the Killing Floor servers and have added the Doom monsters etc (server 4 i think but dont quote me on that one).
Since Buzz and some of the other Server Admins have been busy on other projects WPC Timberwolf has been made admin for the server so if you have any idea's, issues or just generally want to annoy the hell out of him PM him

Well thats all for this week, i know there was something else that i was going to add in and for the life of me i cannot remember what it is, i probably will after i click post this lol

With that remember theres always a wolf in the woods and this one has his old age brain in today.

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/11/10 18:05  Updated: 2013/11/10 18:05
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
Great newsletter as always Sinwars and i had those same firecrackers,even saved the wrapper because of the name.And yes i am working real hard on server 4 and would love to add some weapons to it,but for now me and buzz have to figure that part out(I forgot)
Published: 2013/11/10 19:27  Updated: 2013/11/10 19:30
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
good newsletter buddy. so bug timber got it
Published: 2013/11/10 19:47  Updated: 2013/11/10 19:47
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
Nice newsletter m8
Published: 2013/11/11 0:36  Updated: 2013/11/11 0:36
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Greece
Comments: 498
Nice newsletter, and the humble bundle is totally worth it, so many gaming hours of cool games for 5 bucks.
Published: 2013/11/15 17:44  Updated: 2013/11/15 17:44
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Comments: 1636
wow, such loud, very power, wow doge