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Website : KF Modded Servers : Down and Out
Posted by Whisky on 2013/10/24 11:00:00 (6977 reads)

KF Modded Servers : Down and Out

Whisky here folks and I'm afraid I have some bad news regarding our beloved KF Modded Servers...

Due to KFs latest update our modded servers are down again, yet here is the real kicker; Hemi and I have become unwilling to continue the constant updates required to fix it every update. We have our own projects we wish to be working on and KF keeps consuming to much of our time. It's no longer a labour of love, it's simply become labour.

This means that for the time being all WPC Modded Servers are dead. I'm sorry folks, I know a lot of you loved them. But that's that I'm afraid.

ALTHOUGH: If someone wants to take up the mantle and fix them, all the resources and knowledge are available (alot more so then when Hemi and I started modding KF) and if you present me with a fixed server package, I will happily host it for you and we can have our servers back. You just have to do the work this time. This is Whisky, signing off.

[WPC] Whisky

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/10/24 11:09  Updated: 2013/10/24 11:09
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: KF Modded Servers : Down and Out
Poor Morj(MOTM supposed to get a full week of shining on the front of the page :P)

Yet another victim of Tripwire's demented continued support, instead of working on a part 2 in a superior engine.

"Yeah, we don't understand why big AAA games do not support modding..." Reality check TWI, YOU DON'T EITHER!
Published: 2013/10/24 14:49  Updated: 2013/10/24 14:49
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Comments: 1503
 Re: KF Modded Servers : Down and Out
Well all know morj ownz!

Very sad to hear about this guys. Thank you for all your hard work and effort!
Published: 2013/10/24 16:01  Updated: 2013/10/24 16:01
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/5/24
From: Behind you. (Netherlands :D)
Comments: 800
 Re: KF Modded Servers : Down and Out
I'd love to take it up if I had any idea how to fix it. I don't have a clue as to where I'd learn that either :|
Published: 2013/10/25 21:01  Updated: 2013/10/25 21:01
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: KF Modded Servers : Down and Out
Send it to me, I'm gonna fix it.
Published: 2013/10/28 12:53  Updated: 2013/10/28 12:53
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: KF Modded Servers : Down and Out
Thanks for putting up with sorting as many times as you did! I'm definitely appreciative for it

Maybe one day soon I'll have the time and learn to code fingers crossed!