Posted by SendoKasaion 2013/10/13 4:40:00 (4584 reads)
Hey everyone Sendo here to deliver the latest WPC newsletter! So lets all buckle up and grab a bottle of Sunny D because its gonna be an interesting ride.
Member News
No new members this week.
Congratulations are in order for our new Wise wolves Whisky and WooDy. Congrats again guys, you've definitely earned it
Hemi would also like to inform everyone who has been wondering about the avatars. That they are going to be released over the next week or so now that he is well again. So keep an eye out for them, and don't bug the man.
Gaming news
Our own Hydro is setting up a tournament of HL2 deathmatch. The event will be an hour long and whoever scores the highest will score a prize. Sharpen and prepare your Half Life skills for Thursday the 17th at 9pm GMT. You can post in his thread here and let him know your coming. Half Life 2 Tourney
The humble bundle has a new weekly sale presented by the people at Focus Home Interactive. As always you pay what you want. Paying six dollars or more will unlock the two extra games for you. If you don't have the cash or don't want the games then you can pay as low as a dollar for the six other games that are on this weeks list (Cities XL Platinum, Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, Divinity II: Developer’s Cut, R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War, Confrontation and Game of Thrones). You can find the weekly sale here at Humble Weekly Sale and the main sale when it starts at Humble Bundle
As you all know, soon Tripwire will be putting out the new Halloween update (that is as always probably going to mess up all the mods and servers). Our very own Timberwolf has been playing through some maps and has found a spooky Halloween map. The map is a large cemetery and currently is mostly closed off hinting at further development further down the road. You can check his post out and download the map here : ... rver-called-cemetery.html
If you havent yet voted for the Golden Joystick awards, you can do so until the 20th of October. As well if you go here and register with them following the instructions. You can get either Mafia II or Civ 5 as a free gift from 2k for voting.
Wpc Radio
A message from the radio crew. When on decks a notification will be posted in the steam group. As well as keeping an eye on the forum for posts about special radio events. So keep your eyes open and support our dj's by tuning into the WPC radio (found here for those who don't already have it ).
If you'd like more information on D&D nights contact Sendo or Whisky through the forums, teamspeak or Steam
A:CM players are still fighting strong to get what they want. Some of the devs and even Randy Pitchford are starting to finally clue in and take notice that the players will not be silenced. Currently there is a petition that you can sign and support the development and release of the Bug hunt DLC. You can find the petition here as well as more information about what has been going on since the petition was started :
A little bit of movie news here. This is a clip that was put up to youtube this week to support the release (remake) of the movie Carrie. Its quite interesting seeing the reactions of the people in the shop as it all plays out. Here's hoping that this wont be another one of those remakes that we all groan sadly about.
That's it for today's newsletter folks. Thanks for reading and remember there is always a wolf in the woods praising the sun.
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