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Clan Council : Newsletter 180
Posted by Whisky on 2013/9/15 22:20:00 (4202 reads)

From the distance future to the long forgotten past! Stay a while and listen, as I tell you a story as old as this very website.

Events and Games!

Gaze of yonder fair maiden (Give us a wave Sinwars), should you wish to gain her favor then you must prove yourself worthy, her father's wizards pulled forth from the either a voice, they even managed to find out where it came from. Travel there and prove your worth!

.................... Radio Up-link Established
This message goes out to any wolf that can hear us, we've been cut o......... surrounding the area but as yet........need weapons, ammo and medical supplies. We are planning a counter offensive......... take place 18 days time (thats the 28th Woody).....Using Classic tactics we will take the fight to them... BEWARE!!! There are some that are sympathetic to the Patriarch's cause who will........ at the Glass House, reports of a new specimen have.............pound......If anyone hears this please respond...... sho.....r..t...........................
Radio Up-link Lost. ... -floor-night-th-sept.html

From the British Isles to the sun kissed Mediterranean, the ancient Greek gods have made a mess of things. You are to once again prove your worth and right to hold the title of God. Several of us have dared step in to Zeus's domain, will you step up to the challenge and join us?

The vile enemies of the might nation of WPC have risen again to challenge our right to rule, will you help our lords quash this rebellion. Our generals are in planning, deciding how to deal with this menace. When the time comes answer the call! Take up arms and FIGHT!

Why not listen to the latest ballad of Monica, the wife of our own Sinwars, she recently performed and our magi were able to record the performance for you to see today.

Don't forget, WPC has it's own radios our DJs grace. Be sure to ask them when their next set is due. Resident DJs are TheBlade009, Hemi, DJWoody, RoyBlackFox and Monica.

Council News
The current council is coming to the end of its term. A new one shall be chosen through the tradition of fighting to the death!... or voting, we can do that too. Well, if you think you have what it takes to be a long fang, then put your name up in the upcoming thread. The requirements are as follows.

• Applicant for council has to be active on both TS and Website. LOTS and RELEVANT posting, evaluated by the Wise wolves and current council

• Applicant must have been a member for 6 months

• Applicant for council needs to be evaluated by Wise wolves and current council after the verdict of the members.

You can then have a turn at scribing these wonderful newsletters.

Player of the Week!
Well I told you I'd announce the player of the week this weekend didn't I? Drum roll please! With out much further ado, the player of the week is... (where did I put that piece of paper... crap, keep the drum roll it!)
Congratulations mate. You are a player of the week.
Fancy being player of the week? Well submit a screenshot or video of you being awesome for a chance for that shiny badge!

That's all from your loyal servant Whisky, and remember, there is always a wolf in the woods and this one is shouting Raan Mir Tah!

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/9/15 23:29  Updated: 2013/9/15 23:29
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: Newsletter 180
Awesome newsletter there whisky,cant wait for the KillingFloor event and congratz tic
Published: 2013/9/16 7:18  Updated: 2013/9/16 7:18
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 180
Again, awesome newsletter. I really enjoyed reading it.
Published: 2013/9/16 9:33  Updated: 2013/9/16 9:33
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 180
Tic you ol'dirty nerd! Nice letter Whis, you should defo go for council again. SPeaking of which, good luck to all applicants.
Published: 2013/9/16 11:27  Updated: 2013/9/16 11:27
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Scotland
Comments: 550
 Re: Newsletter 180
Nice one Whisky, as Always
Published: 2013/9/16 12:56  Updated: 2013/9/16 12:56
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Comments: 1503
 Re: Newsletter 180
W00t, winning by default is always the best way to win

Great newsletter
Published: 2013/9/17 19:40  Updated: 2013/9/17 19:40
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Newsletter 180
Great newsletter m8
Published: 2013/9/18 12:59  Updated: 2013/9/18 12:59
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: Newsletter 180
Nice Newsletter Whis!

And gratz Tic