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Clan Council : News Letter 176
Posted by theblade009 on 2013/8/19 2:00:00 (3483 reads)

Howdy Y'all
TheBlade here with another fantastic product.
First off in the news!
We have been talking about it for ages and it finally happened. The radio launch party was an epic success. All the DJ's preformed like bosses. This marks the return of the WPC radio.
For those that missed it we are deeply sorry for your loss and shall have a moment of silence for you and your misfortune as your lives will never be the same. We will be taking up a collection for you so that you may at least experience some joy in your lives. Donations can be made out to
Payday 2 Launch!
To those who were not made aware it has launched and many of the people on your friends list are no doubt playing it as are many of our clan members. So thats a good thing. Coordinated coop games are what WPC members live for.
Overkill announced 5 expansions to the game and possible mod support. So lets hope the modding thing goes through.
The Humble Bundle
Also i know we hate EA. GRRRR EA. but the humble bundle has some good games I know members have wanted to play so take a look and see if a dollar is cheap enough to get you over your convictions. It helped me.
Red Faction: Armageddon
Went on sale this week and a bunch of us bought it to play horde mode so anyone who is interested hit us up and we shall have more coop survival good times.
No New Members This Week
Sorry folks is what it is and remember theres always a wolf in the woods growing a magnificent beard.

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/8/19 19:37  Updated: 2013/8/19 19:37
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: News Letter 176
Great newsletter Blade
Also, I think we need a picture of said beard..... FOR SCIENCE