Hey boys n girls, its that time again. NEWSLETTER!!. Unfortunatly its gonna be a hella short one. This was one unexpected assignment, and I am really busy with preparing to see the girl of my dreams. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it none the less, even tho it wont be your typical WooDy newsletter. I love you guys, but yeah lol Lets move on and pay the bills...
There is a NEW forum on our site, dedicated to the Steam Trading Card game. If you have any cards to trade or give away, please post in the proper forums now. Thank you!
We have a new member to welcome among the ranks. So please everybody, welcome the one, the only, FurryFuzzy...errr TheFuzzyFurry...something like that lol Anyway bro, put your tags on, wear them loud and proud. Good job!
And if anybody hasnt been on TS in a while, why dont you check out the shit that we say from time to time. http://shitthewpcsays.tumblr.com/ Wiggity Bam!
We added a KF Server to the group, Classic KF for sheezy! I believe its a 16 slot server so we can have a grip of people playing all at the same time. TADA! Lets ROCK!!!
Alright, thats it from me this week. I have things I gotta get done lol But ill leave ya with this...