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Clan Council : Newsletter 171
Posted by DJ_WooDy on 2013/7/14 19:30:37 (5684 reads)
Clan Council

Hey hey Kiddies, its that time again. Time for another fantastic newsletter from The WooDmeister! Unfortunatly this week, its gonna be a short one (awww boo) but shit happens *golf clap* This week, we talk about stinky flowers, finger lickin good mixes, and maybe a lil somethin somethin about saving money on VIDEO GAMES!!
So yeah, lets do this shit!


A flower that smells like “a dead body lying in Florida for two weeks” attracted some 5,000 people to the National Botanic Garden of Belgium outside of Brussels this week, ten times their usual draw.

The plant, a striking violet flower unfurled around a green stalk, looms over curious onlookers, stands some eight feet tall and weighs in at close to 300 pounds.

Its smell is "like a dead rabbit that has been lying in the sun for two weeks and you open the box," said Bart Van de Vijver, a researcher and botanist at the Botanic garden that houses the titan arum, also known as a "corpse flower." Its pungent aroma is designed to attract certain flies that usually feast on meat, as they are the plant's pollinators.

Yeah, that totally sounds like the flower I would want to send to my GF lol Not.

Portland, Oregon

Paul Stoute’s 14-month-old daughter has been drawn to technology throughout her short life, but he underestimated her tech savvy. Last month, Stoute received an email from eBay that he had the winning bid for a 1962 Austin Healey Sprite. Trouble was, he never knew about the car and certainly didn't bid on it.
Stoute, who lives in Portland, Ore., with his wife and daughter, said on his website he initially thought it was a phishing scam. But he quickly learned he was, in fact, the winner after logging onto eBay.
Then it dawned on him. His daughter Sorella constantly plays with his Android phone (which is now password protected). She had ordered the car while she was pushing buttons on his phone.

Stoute immediately contacted the seller.

“Hey, I think my 13 month old placed a bid on this through the mobile app when she was supposed to be playing a game on my phone,” he wrote.

The seller said he would try to contact the previous highest bidder, but noted Stoute’s daughter’s good eye for a nice car.
“Your kid is obviously a car aficionada with superlative taste, and this would make a great father-kid project that you might just finish in time for them to drive as a first car!” the seller wrote to Stoute.
Stoute took the seller’s idea and is running with it. He agreed to buy the car, which he bought with money he said he borrowed from his family, and picked up the car in Tualatin, Ore. Final price: $202.

Greeeat....hacker babies are taking over the world! (or at least buying shit on their own)

...Its not all Doom and Gloom...

A painstaking rescue of three abandoned chihuahuas is reminding us this week of the good that can be done and the lives that can be saved when people take the time to care.
In this heartbreaking video, shot in June and uploaded Monday, watch as Eldad Hagar of animal rescue organization Hope for Paws rescues chihuahuas Marty, Brooklyn and Penny from a KFC parking lot in Los Angeles. Initially frightened and skittish, the animals are seen in the video slowly warming up to Hagar, eventually allowing the so-called "dog whisperer" to take them away to a new life.

"People had tried to catch them before, but no one could get them," Hagar, who has documented other incredible rescues before, told The Huffington Post Monday. "They were so scared. The video doesn't show you how long the process took. It took a couple of hours to be able to get them to trust me."

"It was a very tricky process," he added. "It took a lot of patience ... but I have all the patience in the world for them."
Hagar says the pups, who are all between 2 and 3 years of age, were dumped together several weeks before the rescue. Not only were the animals "filthy" when he found them, but Hagar says all had been shot at with BB guns. Pellets from the toy guns were later found embedded in Marty's and Brooklyn's skin.

"It's no wonder they were so scared," Hagar said, his voice agitated. "People have been so mean to them. … Not just abandoning them but shooting at them, too. Who would do such a thing? It's messed up."
Glad to see they got rescued....

...Moving on...

This week I'd like to report RoyBlackFox aka Chickenman has been making some progress on his mixing skills. With a little help from the resident DJ's, he will be on his way to making some killer mixes, and will eventually play on the radio LIVE for you all. Keep up the good work Chickenman!
Here is his latest mix...

Space Guppy (Trance)

Hemi and Snooze are in Belgium this week for Vacaaaaaation! Hopefully they will have fun, as I have no idea what they were gonna do over there. Waffles maybe? I dunno lol

There are no new members to report this week.

The Summer Steam sale has been going on for a couple of days now, have you gotten anything yet? Some of the sales are pretty sweet, unfortunatly for me its just in time for me to be completely broke. Although MikeAmerica was kind enough to get me the Walking Dead. Cant wait to start playing haha! Anyway, if you havent read it already on the boards, I suggest that you go to the steam website and check some shiz out! BTW, good luck to all that are seriously trying to get the summer badge lol I think im gonna opt out on that one.

As I said before, its been a quiet week so this newsletter is not as long as usual. Thats it from me, so ill leave you with something that makes me happy!

Remember, there is always a Wolf saving money...or trying to at least lol

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/7/14 19:33  Updated: 2013/7/14 19:33
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Newsletter 171
Nice newsletter m8
Published: 2013/7/14 19:35  Updated: 2013/7/14 19:35
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 171
Ugh I want KFC now...
Published: 2013/7/14 19:37  Updated: 2013/7/14 19:39
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: Newsletter 171
Great newsletter Woody....That baby can't drive that car..your crazy baby,crazy
P.S.Hydro said that he wants Killing Floor Contest
Published: 2013/7/14 20:24  Updated: 2013/7/14 20:24
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 171
Good letter woody!!!
Published: 2013/7/15 0:23  Updated: 2013/7/15 0:23
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
 Re: Newsletter 171
Great newsletter as always woodster
Published: 2013/7/15 1:18  Updated: 2013/7/15 1:18
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/4/3
From: Bakersfield, California
Comments: 1368
 Re: Newsletter 171
Thank you, Thank you

*takes a bow*
Published: 2013/7/15 10:35  Updated: 2013/7/15 10:35
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: Newsletter 171
Sweet Newsletter Woody! Funny and a good read as always
Published: 2013/7/15 10:59  Updated: 2013/7/15 10:59
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 171
VGHS! \o//////////////////