Oh, that's right, our radio is live and ready to rock. Check out http://www.mostimpressive.nl/ccf/ we will be having a proper launch to celebrate with our resident DJs all jumping on in a big session.
You may have noticed a new subforum, 'Pen&Paper'. This is for traditional pen&paper rpg games. Some of us are running a Dungeons and Dragons game and also another called Pax Britannica (Steampunk! YAY!)
If you'd like to get involved then please speak to either Whisky or SendoKasai as we are the ones currently running some games. At the moment games are on Sundays and Wednesdays 8pm GMT
In case you missed it. Killing Floor is now running it's summer event! Complete with new game mode and more weapons (groan). BUT THAT MEANS MORE STEAMPUNK! JOLLY GOOD! ACM has the last of it's DLC coming, this time it's more to the story campaign. Looking forward to see them go somewhere cool. I'm hoping anyway as the new mp maps were Fury161 and Nostromo
Final Fantasy VII to be released on Steam!
New Members
I've got some good news regarding new members, it has been a while since we've had new applicants so it is with great pleasure I welcome Voodoofoo to the clan.
Congratulations Voodoofoo, wear your [WPC] tags with pride.
Closing Remarks
That's all from me this week folks, I feel like I forgot to mention something so why not have this picture to tide you over.
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