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Clan Council : Newsletter 167
Posted by Virion on 2013/6/17 17:16:41 (4671 reads)

Ahh, another newsletter, and another way to test how many times I can attempt this before giving up utterely, and throwing my laptop out of the window. Oh well, the laptop wouldn’t matter much anyway, the way I’m running games on it, I’ve quite molten the graphics card. Aaaanyway, back to news, eh?

Member News: Sadly, short part of the newsletter again, no new members or anything of the sort.

But, it leaves us with more room for gaming news, hah.

So, obviously first off, E3! Although, I haven’t followed it myself, I don’t have much interest towards the consoles anyway, so I’m sorry to say that I can’t provide much news about this. There are however videos and pages all over the net about it, and I’m sure most of you have at least noticed more of E3 than I have. There’s constant notes about parts on E3 to read over here:

These may be a bit hidden behind some pages, seeing as E3’s already a few days past, but nonetheless.

On another note, there’s quite the interesting other console coming out!

The OUYA is a video game console running its own version of the Android operating system. Julie Uhrman, a game industry veteran, founded the project in 2012. She brought in designer Yves Béhar to collaborate on the design of the project, and Muffi Ghadiali as product manager to put together the engineering team. Development was funded via Kickstarter, raising $8.5 million and becoming the website's second-highest-earning project in its history. Units started to ship to Kickstarter backers on March 28, 2013. The console is due to be released to the general public on June 25, 2013.

The Ouya will feature an exclusive Ouya store for applications and games designed specifically for the Ouya platform. Out of the box, Ouya will include the TwitchTV application and access to the OnLive video game streaming service. Initially it is expected to run on a modified version of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, and be open to rooting without voiding the warranty (developer models ordered during the Kickstarter campaign for $699 or $1,337 will come pre-rooted). The console's hardware design will allow it to be easily opened up, requiring only a standard screwdriver to allow easy modding and possible hardware addons.

All systems can be used as development kits, allowing any Ouya owner and gamer to also be a developer, without the need for licensing fees. All games will be required to have some kind of free-to-play aspect, whether that be completely free, has a free trial, or has purchasable upgrades, levels, or other in-game items.

Sounds damn interesting to me, as I’ve heard you will even be able to try games for free. And what’s not to like about a good console, for only 99 bucks? Crazy, if you ask me.

Onto other news, and for me most surprising:

A survival horror game from Bethesda?

Bethesda marketing vice president Pete Hines has been making the interview rounds at E3 to talk about work on The Evil Within, an upcoming survival-horror game from Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami. In a new Rev3Games interview, Hines throws out some intriguing new details about the development process, Japanese versus Western games, and as well as what it takes to scare people in 2013.

The Evil Within drops you into a scenario where a police detective, Sebastian Castellanos, gets knocked out and wakes up hanging upside down in some kind of terrifying meat locker. This is Mikami’s vision for “pure survival horror,” according to Hines. “It’s a desire on his part and the team’s to take survival horror back to its roots,” Hines said. “So it’s not quite so action heavy and about guns and mowing down legions of things, it’s more about scarcity of resources and balancing action with other things, whether that’s storytelling, or simply survival…solving puzzles.”

Hines also put into context how Mikami’s previous work on the Resident Evil series may or may not influence the new title. “It’s one of those things,” Hines said. “It’s really hard, if you’re Shinji…how do you not have some of the influences of stuff you have made show up in the next thing you make. This is his ultimate survival horror game. ”

But what scares people has also changed and the game design will reflect that, according to Hines. “Honestly, things that scared people 10 years ago, like blood and guts, don’t scare people anymore,” he said.”…You can’t rely on that anymore.”

A cleaner display, a new aspect ratio, and other changes to the way players perceive events in the game are all used to heighten tension and fear, Hines said. In addition to the technical and graphical choices made by the development team, Mikami has also been strongly influenced by his association with Bethesda and its various design studios, some of whom also offered feedback on The Evil Within, according to Hines.

“[Mikami] recognized that look, as a Japanese developer, there’s things about Western games which are becoming so much more popular and prevalent, and kind of dominating the industry that he wanted to learn about and understand more,” Hines said. “…’How do I make a game that appeals across a wider audience, that appeals to more people and not just a Japanese-centric audience.’”

The Evil Within is set to appear sometime in 2014.

Other than that, there’s new screenshots of The Witcher, and Thief 4, both of which look incredibly good, and certainly interesting. If only I would be able to run them, hahah!

Well, I’m sorry for already ending the newsletter here, but sadly I wasn’t expecting to do it this week and it got in a bit last-minute, so I haven’t been looking out for news subjects much, nor paying attention to E3 and the like.

And remember, there’s always a wolf in his house, melting away his graphics card since he’s running a shitty laptop!

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/6/18 2:52  Updated: 2013/6/18 2:52
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/4/3
From: Bakersfield, California
Comments: 1368
 Re: Newsletter 167
Good job dude. Thanks for doing this on short notice.
Published: 2013/6/18 18:06  Updated: 2013/6/18 18:06
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
 Re: Newsletter 167
good news letter dude