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Clan Council : News letter 165
Posted by theblade009 on 2013/6/2 3:32:35 (6095 reads)

Not much news this week wolves but I will do my best.
First off in the news
Woodster had a gig! So be sure to congratulate the rising star so he will remember you when he makes it to the top.  and Im sure there will be some of this.
Please please please people. Resist the urge to press any random button you see!
Dudes with guns just might show up
I hear Dino Horde Got An another update maybe they fixed everything? I dont know go see for yourselves.
Iv been informed our guild bank has some items in it and some gold for people still leveling up donated with loving hearts by our already max level players.
In New Member news there are no new members this week
Also this thing
And remember theres always a wolf in the woods and this one is currently feelin the Texas heat.

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/6/2 3:36  Updated: 2013/6/2 3:36
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: News letter 165
Sunday's newsletter up on a Saturday ^^ Loving it ^^

Now that DJ knows how to handle track requests ^^
Published: 2013/6/2 12:45  Updated: 2013/6/2 12:45
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: News letter 165
Short but sweet, Love it Blade :D and to be fair, if I saw a random button like that, I'd probably press it too