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Clan Council : Newslketter 161
Posted by Sinwars on 2013/5/5 8:55:40 (6693 reads)

Welcome to this weeks newsletter, theres been quite a bit of gaming news this week so i'll do my best to fit in the most important things. so lets GO!

There are no new members this week although there have a been a couple of new players on the ts channel so be sure to drop in and say hello to them.

Speaking at Microsoft's E3 press conference this evening, Microsoft senior vice president of interactive entertainment
Don Mattrick, has confirmed an Xbox and Activision exclusive for Treyarch's Call of Duty series.

From this point forth, Call of Duty Black Ops included, all Call of Duty add-ons, map packs and DLC will be available
exclusively on Xbox 360 first with PS3 DLC following at a later date.
The deal has been signed for three years.More news as we get it!

In the face of false advertising claims, both Gearbox and SEGA are keeping their cool. Following news earlier this
week that a Californian law firm will file a class action lawsuit claiming the companies falsely advertised Aliens:
Colonial Marines, both have written off the claims as without merit. In statements provided to Kotaku, both
companies shrug the claims off, with varying degrees of flippancy.“SEGA cannot comment on specifics of ongoing litigation, but we are confident that the lawsuit is without merit and we will defend it vigorously,” a SEGA spokesperson said.
Meanwhile, Gearbox worded their response more severely. “Attempting to wring a class action lawsuit out of a demonstration is beyond meritless. We continue to support the game, and will defend the rights of entertainers to
share their works-in-progress without fear of frivolous litigation.”

A few of us have downloaded this and are starting to get into it, some of the clan have been playing over the weekend and will be playing tonight (hopefully) so get downloading

Neverwinter has restored much of its former glory. Lord Neverember of Waterdeep has taken the city under his
protection and put forth a call to all adventurers and heroes of the Savage North to help rebuild Neverwinter in
the hopes that one day he can lay claim to her throne and crown. But evil forces conspire in the dark places of the
world, seeking to undermine all..

New D&D, Beloved D&D

Neverwinter is a true Dungeons & Dragons experience, brought to life with the dynamic Cryptic game engine. In the classic D&D setting of the Forgotten Realms, players will explore and defend one of the most beloved cities from Dungeons & Dragons, as it rises from the ashes of destruction.

Total War: ARENA will be CA’s first title in a F2P model, representing over a decade of strategy gaming expertise and
a new spin-off for the Total War series. Offering players the chance to pitch history’s greatest commanders and their
armies against each other in massive team-based battles, ARENA will focus entirely on online multiplayer, mixing
elements of RTS and MOBA gameplay. CA is looking for gamers to help craft their vision of a detailed, deep, multiplayer
tactical experience. (Thanks for the info Cherry)

Planetside 2 game update 8. Now theres way too much to list here for the update that PS2 has had, just a small snippet of things are tweaks, balances to almost everything, along with adding some new stuff such as the harrasser pictured above. However here is the link for the 9 million things they've updated. threads/server-downtime-game-update-08-05-02-2013.121874/"> ... ate-08-05-02-2013.121874/

I know Whisky posted a little about our very own [WPC] Hemi game Salavge. I got the opportunity to see how this is progressing (thanks Hemi). All i can say is i cant wait for more. So here is a couple of screenshots i took as a little teaser for you.

FPS SciFi Survival Horror game were you play a simple prospector that is in charge of a large spaceship salvage
yard. You loot and investigate each ship in an open world were you can hop from vessel to vessel in space.
All sorts of alien races use these dumping grounds to get rid of the unwanted secrets they might hide. You can board
all ships and roam/float freely around the shipyard to investigate. You get rewards for the items you might find
and i'm looking into a level system for the game.">

Now thats all the gaming news for this week however there is something else, i almost forgot to add it in. threads/server-downtime-game-update-08-05-02-2013.121874/">
I would like to wish Buzz's very own Bryanna a happy 18th birthday.

Well thats it for this week wolfs and i hope to see you check out and play some of the games above.

Remember theres always a wolf in the woods and sometimes one is up the duff  Insert Image
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Author Thread
Published: 2013/5/5 14:34  Updated: 2013/5/5 14:34
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Newslketter 161
Cool packed letter!

Happy Birthday Bryanna!
Published: 2013/5/5 15:12  Updated: 2013/5/5 15:12
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/4/3
From: Bakersfield, California
Comments: 1368
 Re: Newslketter 161
Very Nice Newsletter indeed.
Happy Bday Bry Bry!
Published: 2013/5/5 18:14  Updated: 2013/5/5 18:14
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: Newslketter 161
Sweet Newsletter Sin
Published: 2013/5/5 21:23  Updated: 2013/5/5 21:23
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
 Re: Newslketter 161
Nice Newsletter Sin my man
Published: 2013/5/5 21:33  Updated: 2013/5/5 21:33
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/6/2
From: Wisconsin- U.S.A
Comments: 112
 Re: Newslketter 161
Great News letter Sinwars!
Published: 2013/5/6 6:15  Updated: 2013/5/6 6:15
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newslketter 161
Nice "NewslKetter 161" : P
..I'm fine with new term for Newsletters.

Also, what I rly like in last few Newsletters is that you guys started putting in a lot of stuff that members posted on forum.

Published: 2013/5/6 7:55  Updated: 2013/5/6 7:55
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Scotland
Comments: 550
 Re: Newslketter 161
sorry bout misspelling cherry, didnt get a chance to proof read before i posted lol
Published: 2013/5/6 10:03  Updated: 2013/5/6 10:03
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newslketter 161
lol, you don't need to apologize ^^