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Clan Council : Newsletter 159
Posted by Whisky on 2013/4/21 15:40:00 (8495 reads)

 photo WhiskyNewsLetter_zpsfea229ac.png

My my, this weeks newsletter has a distinctly British theme to it wouldn't you say, that can only mean one thing... It's a Whisky Newsletter!

A good day to you fellow Wolves. It's Whisky here, your limey counterpart; with this weeks Newsletter. Without much further'ado let's cut to it shall we? TALLY HO!

So what have we got for you fine folks today?

Clan News

The Weekend with the Wolfpack got off to a shaky start with the host not even able to play the game he suggested, whoops. But fear not! A few of use soldiered bravely on and even got some footage recorded. Here's a quick snippet, follow the link to see the rest.

[link to twitch]

Our very own Hemi has been working on his game Salvage in the Unity engine. He's now setup a IndieDB page so why not swing over and check out the details.

“FPS SciFi Survival Horror game were you play a simple prospector that is in charge of a large spaceship salvage yard. You loot and investigate each ship in an open world were you can hop from vessel to vessel in space.” -Hemi

I know I'm looking forward to whatever craziness Hemi has cooked up for us.

Link to the projects IndieDB page

Clan Gaming

At the moment it seems we have got a couple of Free to Play titles holding most of our attention.

A lot of us have swung back to this one after it received some much needed updates and performance tweaks. WPC have mainly been playing the US East server Mattherson for the faction Terran Republic although some of us have some other characters scattered about included Vanu Soventry on the EU server Woodsman.

We've all heard about Cherry's Tanks right? Well this time Cherry's gone and got himself some planes. Set in WWII War Thunder is focused on the air battles, from dogfights to bombing runs. It's currently still 'beta' but is open for all and still a solid to play game. There are no servers or factions persay in this one, players jump between servers and British planes fight alongside German planes.

Oh there is more?

Something a little different now. You've all no doubt got those favourite franchies that have been going on for a while now, maybe a decade or so? Have you ever done an AB of them? Don't worry, someone has, and the difference is staggering.

Those were just a couple of my favourites. Check out this link for the lot. ... video-games-then-and-now/

That's it for this week folks.

Remember; there is always a wolf in the woods and this one is has a cuppa tea and spiffing hat. Cheerio!

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/4/21 15:48  Updated: 2013/4/21 15:48
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Newsletter 159
Nice newsletter Whisky I'm disappointed in the lack of northern Geordie in the newsletter, so its not a true British letter ;)
Published: 2013/4/21 16:07  Updated: 2013/4/21 16:07
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Comments: 497
 Re: Newsletter 159
Great newsletter Whisky! Especially loving the British theme But you forgot about crumpets!
And sweet work on that game Hemi! It looks awesome! Would definitely want to try it out
Published: 2013/4/21 16:40  Updated: 2013/4/21 16:40
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Newsletter 159
...where is the mint sauce?

*love the WPC logo with monocle and stuffs*

Published: 2013/4/21 16:50  Updated: 2013/4/21 16:50
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/4/3
From: Bakersfield, California
Comments: 1368
 Re: Newsletter 159
Excellent newsletter my friend....exxxxcelllent.
Published: 2013/4/21 19:36  Updated: 2013/4/21 19:36
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 159
WHOA! I made the news!

Nice one! And thanks Whis!
Published: 2013/4/21 20:58  Updated: 2013/4/21 20:58
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Newsletter 159
nice news letter m8
Published: 2013/4/21 21:34  Updated: 2013/4/21 21:34
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
 Re: Newsletter 159
Great Newsletter
Published: 2013/4/22 0:51  Updated: 2013/4/22 0:51
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/6/2
From: Wisconsin- U.S.A
Comments: 112
 Re: Newsletter 159
Great Newsletter Whisky