Allrighty then, let's see how much I can screw up my first newsletter, eh? Come on in, and let us see what has happened this week, for there has been plenty going on!
Well then, first off;New Members; It's been way too darn quiet on this end, another week without a applicant. Unusual :/ Onto the other news, lol;
So, Whisky has passed his driving tests! Jokes set aside, I'm certain he'll drive fine, and not fine in the GTA IV style. But, congrats are certainly in place whisky! So yeah..congrats :P I have not seen or played it myself, but I beleive there to be a Unreal Tournament 1999 server up now IP: Whisky has thrown the idea around to do a friendly match with VFC. I'm probably not old enough a member to know who they are though :P
Warframe! Alot of you buggers seem to be playing this one lately, so of course I have to write something about it, even though I don't know the game all that well :P But, it's F2P, featuring some awesome acrobatic gameplay as a third person shooter, with some awesome high-tech weaponry and gadgets, along with the badass warframes themselves, aka, your suits. Seems like a pretty fun game, I should go and install it sometime :D
Yay for oversized images. Couldn't find anything better, but oh well. War Thunder, a world war II based game, primarily about dog fighting with planes :D I've heard the detail, and variation with the planes are quite amazing, as well as the realism in flying and fights And again, F2P! It also features combat without planes, but the description about that was vague, so I'm not certain what that means. Sounds like fun however!
Now, unto the last matters;
Cherry has apparently opened up his own café and barber! Though I wouldn't for the live of me dare enter those buildings. Barber that juts cuts your ear off, and poison in the coffee, I'd think. Creepy Croatian!
Kirschtomper has also come with the awesome idea to do weekly recorded gameplay events with whatever players can be online at the time, and have said game. the first one up, is Warband, for april 20th! He posted a thread for the exact hour, check it out for any updates and such :D
Now then, while I beleive this to be all, my mind has more than once failed me after an all-nighter. Let's hope I didn't miss too much of the stuff to cover in the newsletter, and that the spacing isn't completely screwed up. I have no clue, so let's just go ahead and try. *Presses submit.