First up!
Hemi has added a few fixes and patches to the Dead Space Killing Floor Server. See the patch notes here: ((For some reason I could not paste the link, I will look into this or someone would be kind to post the link in the comments below.))
And now some game news:
Counterstrike: Global Offensive has come out with an update that came along with DEATHMATCH!
And for Planetside 2 fans, they have on their website a developers road map of their features for the next six months. Which you can vote and voice your own opinion on whether the idea is good or not. Go check it out! I want the ragdoll physics, buggy and pump action shotgun. Fingers crossed!
Now a few of our own have been playing two games. World of Tanks and Mechwarrior Online, which I am sure we are showing off our excellent skills in!
Also be sure to congratulate Hellhound and Morj as the new members!
Well thats about it for me my friends! Tune in next week for another news letter on the Wolf Pack Clan. This is Kirschtomper saying....