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Clan Council : Newsletter 143
Posted by LordDean on 2012/12/30 15:56:30 (4784 reads)
Clan Council

Hello all, and Welcome to a Newsletter by me...LordDean its been a while since i've done this so please be a little gentle on me :D right to first order of business.

New Years
Well its the second to last day of the year, and we all know how the last day ends. In drunken shenanigans and usually tears, and the promises that are never kept, (new years resolutions), I personally have never done a NYR, but this year i decided to try and do one which is quit smoking and start going to a gym..... both of which seem so alien to me.
What are all of your New Years Resolutions? Any good ones out there this year? or some ludicrous ones even :D With christmas come and gone, what did you get from loved ones, or even SinterKlaas?
New Games of 2013 Here are a few Games to expect in 2013 :) some highly anticipated (meaning they'll let you down.....HARD) Elder Scrolls Online - An MMO in the Elder Scrolls universe, if its any good this could be very successful, they will just have to stick to the ES formula

Crysis 3 - Not entirely sure what to think of this one, 2 was ok, but 1 was by far the best, lets just hope they go back to a good game as opposed to an interactive benchmark?

Tomb Raider - Now i have some good memories playing tomb raider, and some very bad rage moments, But rebooting the TR franchise is a breath of fresh air in my honest opinion, i saw the trailers a while back and the story look solid, better this then another EA COD clone.

Aliens: Colonial Marines (A:CM) - Well i wont say anything about this, fear for my life and all.

These are but a few of the games to expect, and judgement on them is yours, personally, it may be a good year for gaming. On the other hand it may be atrocious as the games may SUCK! :D

Some of you may have noticed, but some of you may have be blindly Oblivious to it, the site has been plagued with spam recently and it reach a crescendo last night in the form of strain on the sites database. Here is a Quote from the Webmistress herself,
We already have both captcha and email verrification running. Somehow they have found a way around it, yesterday I banned a spam account and they still got round it and starting posting stuff so I have resorted to deleting the accounts entirely. At about 19:00 in the evening yesterday I switched the system to admin verrification and have been receiving lots of requests for new accounts which mostly look like spam so I havent activated any. I sent an email to Solo but I think he's gone for a few days. Any spam we get now is from accounts registered before I switched the system yesterday. Also Woody implemented some mandatory fields in the registration form to slow them down.

So the situation is being worked on :)
New Members so we do have a few new members this week, All give a warm welcome to........

Nanachi (i was told last night you pronounce it na-na-she) (like a very hungry alligator) Welcome fellows, wear your tags with pride, and remember, you represent us now, so any bad behaviour reflects on our reuptatios. no pressure :P

WPC Current popular games
From what I have personally seen, a lot of our members seem to be playing Borderlands 2, and a wide variety of games
so no specific games to list here really.
I and a few other members and peoples have got back into playing DayZ, there has been talk of a private server again, but currently we are playing around on DayZ - UK122 so feel free to join us and play, if i here reports of members killing members, i'll personally hunt you down and strangle you with dental floss!
Thats all folks, and remember there is always a wolf.........somewhere

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/12/30 16:09  Updated: 2012/12/30 16:09
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 143
My new years resolution is: Never hold back!
(so be warned )

Great newsletter Thomas! You've still got it
Published: 2012/12/30 16:11  Updated: 2012/12/30 16:11
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 143
i swear the spacing on this thing is trying to kill me :P
Published: 2012/12/30 16:13  Updated: 2012/12/30 16:13
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/4/3
From: Bakersfield, California
Comments: 1368
 Re: Newsletter 143
Good newsletter fo-real! I hope everybody is ready for the new year...and again, congrats to the new Wolves!
Published: 2012/12/30 16:43  Updated: 2012/12/30 16:43
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 143
Solo needs to fix that spacing in the css. DO IT!

Nice newsletter thomas! :D
Published: 2012/12/30 16:45  Updated: 2012/12/30 16:45
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
 Re: Newsletter 143
woot a LD newsletter!
My news year's resolution... not to have one! PARADOX FTW!
Published: 2012/12/30 19:06  Updated: 2012/12/30 19:07
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 143
Good letter Dean

I also locked down the site from any new user registration until we can sort this matter.
Published: 2012/12/30 19:17  Updated: 2012/12/30 19:17
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Scotland
Comments: 550
 Re: Newsletter 143
Nice one LD, im sure Blaze had spacing problems as well lol.
Published: 2012/12/30 19:17  Updated: 2012/12/30 19:17
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Comments: 1503
 Re: Newsletter 143
Great newsletter m8
Published: 2012/12/30 20:19  Updated: 2012/12/30 20:19
Joined: 2012/3/26
From: Netherlands
Comments: 158
 Re: Newsletter 143
Well done LD :D
Im looking forward to Elder Scrolls Online the most, then Crysis 3 unless its like the seccond one and them probably TR.
A:CM is still meh to me for obvious reasons.

Anyways, for the next year im going to never give up on the plan to get MissMorph to live over here for good.
Thats pretty much it for me.

Oh, we got this yesterday to celebrate the new year!:

Click to see original Image in a new window

Have a good one y'all! :D
Published: 2012/12/30 21:38  Updated: 2012/12/30 21:38
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Newsletter 143
Great news letter m8

and hmm * new tomb raider game .. lara croft ass looking time * and the new aliens game i cant wait
Published: 2012/12/31 16:57  Updated: 2012/12/31 16:57
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 143
Great newsletter!

I'm looking forward to all the new movies!!