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Clan Council : Newsletter 138
Posted by DJ_WooDy on 2012/11/25 17:10:00 (6611 reads)
Clan Council

W00t! Another fun filled Newsletter by the Clan's goofiest guy...ME! This week was a quiet one, but lets see what kind of trouble I can get into this time. Read on my friends, Read on!

First of all I wanted to say that I hope everybody had a pleasent and SAFE Thanksgiving this past Thursday. I know some of you don't celebrate that crap cause of a couple of different reasons. One could be the fact that you just don't give a damn in the first place, or the other is that your country doesn't even recognize it. Either way, hope you had a good Thursday anyway? lol Kill dem turkeys!!

So lets see, what to talk about...what to talk about. Oh I know! Some of you have been having issues with downloading SWTOR like none other then TIC (aka Sir Swish)!! Yes that's right, your net needs to not be 56k anymore. One of these days you should just leave your computer on the net for a week and take a vacation, and when you get back...TADA!!!

So I have reports that some of you are playing Planetside 2 on two totally different teams, not to mention 2 totally opposite servers. Apparently people are having lag issues n whatnot with servers.

Well, that I can understand...but if we are to work together as a clan when playing these games, dont you think we should set our differences aside and play together? Some are playing on server Woodman as the faction Vanu and others are playing on server Mattherson as the Terran Republic I mean..

In other gaming news, ive been noticing that some of you have taken up another game that is quite unusual for at least my taste but ill go ahead and mention it just incase there are others that might be interested in looking into it. The game...

"In a charming mountain area, you take the role of a classic farmer with all the necessary tasks like cattle breeding, growing grain and other resources, and dealing with products from your farm. Your fields can be cultivated with machines from CLAAS and even your animals have to be taken care of.

The complete Agricultural Simulator allows you to ride many genuine CLAAS tractors. Choose between many different models of tractors, combines, extensions and hangers. Sell your products and invest in better equipment. More powerful machines will help you farm bigger areas.

As striving farmer, you have to invest carefully to maximize the crop. Don’t kick over the traces or you won’t be able to upgrade your farm and buy more land. Choose the right seed from different types of grains like barley, rye, or wheat or decide to grow canola or corn. The harvest can be used as animal food, new seed as well as product to be sold on the market. Always have an eye on the market prices so you don’t come out with losses after all the work.

Get another main pillar and breed cattle: cows, horses, sheep, hen, and geese. You may even have game animals on your farm and sell them profitably as food. If everything works well, the animals will prosper and you can sell their offspring on the market. Take care of proper feeding, daily care of the stables, and your animals well-being. Hire workers to balance your workload and invest in their further education.

The career mode in Agricultural Simulator guarantees a lot of fun. Playing cooperative mode allows you to manage your farm either online or offline with your friends."

So yeah, if you guys and gals are into that stuff, power to ya! Ill include the link for steam for you all to check out:

So lets do something fun this time around....lets test our vision with this new game I made called...

Lets see how many of you can find Waldo in the following pictures:

Click to see original Image in a new window

Click to see original Image in a new window

Click to see original Image in a new window

Yay that was fun, wasn't it? lol
Well, I think that is it from me this week, seeing as it has been a slow one indeed.
I do however plan on getting back into mixing again so be prepared for that!

Anyways... remember people, there is always a wolf playing Agricultural Simulator 2013...

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/11/25 17:34  Updated: 2012/11/25 17:34
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 138
I found Waldo!!! :D
Published: 2012/11/25 17:46  Updated: 2012/11/25 17:46
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Comments: 1503
 Re: Newsletter 138
Click to see original Image in a new window

Great newsletter m8y!
Published: 2012/11/25 17:53  Updated: 2012/11/25 17:53
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 138
noice newsletter. :D Again! Keep it up woodster!
Published: 2012/11/25 18:21  Updated: 2012/11/25 18:21
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
 Re: Newsletter 138
lol, "Waldo"

Good newsletter mate.
Published: 2012/11/25 19:03  Updated: 2012/11/25 19:03
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Scotland
Comments: 550
 Re: Newsletter 138
Nice one Woody, i found one and the mrs found one. now that was a good laugh.
Published: 2012/11/26 6:27  Updated: 2012/11/26 6:27
Joined: 2012/3/26
From: Netherlands
Comments: 158
 Re: Newsletter 138
Yeeeeah it's been a slow week! @_@;
We all need to party hard and kill aliens and zombies!! Whoo!!!!!
Or feed bears fish in GW2 and grow carrots. You know, whatever works for ya.
Also, I didn't find Waldo. But I only looked for a few minutes before giving up.
Published: 2012/11/26 7:08  Updated: 2012/11/26 7:08
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Newsletter 138
nice newsletter m8
Published: 2012/11/26 13:00  Updated: 2012/11/26 13:00
Joined: 2012/11/13
From: US NY
Comments: 8
 Re: Newsletter 138
This is fantastic, good work

Published: 2012/11/26 17:51  Updated: 2012/11/26 17:51
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
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 Re: Newsletter 138
Published: 2012/11/27 1:36  Updated: 2012/11/27 1:36
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/6/2
From: Wisconsin- U.S.A
Comments: 112
 Re: Newsletter 138
Lol, great pictures woody. Always makes me smile.