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Clan Council : Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
Posted by Solo on 2010/2/21 9:22:04 (4117 reads)
Clan Council

Here is the first Long Fangs Newsletter.

The weekly points are:

- Solo's word.

  1. Long Fangs composition

  2. Clan's jobs
  3. Recruitment
  4. New member
  5. Objectives


Hello wolves,

A long time ago, in early january 2002, I used to host some games for AVP2. At that time, I met some of the most dedicated members of this community. A few month later, the Wolf Pack Clan was the winner of the AVP 2 first tournament.

But, the fact is that behind the curtain, laid the most terrific online experience: creating a gamer community around democratic principles... This idea has leaded to the Wolf Pack Clan. A up to 50 wolf pack, composed of simple players to hard core gamers, story tellers, arts designers, managers, animators and managers, gathering teenagers and grown ups around an original project and, more important, a spirit. Friendship, fun, solidarity... and yes, passion.

Time has been passing by since then. The Wolf Pack Clan has known ups and downs. But even on the verge of its total death, « there always has been a wolf in the woods ». Keeping a place to be, to meet, and of course, the idea of a never ending story. I would like to salute one particular member on the occasion. He has cheerfully kept the flame alive all those years long, and I can say, we all owe him this. We all know him, oldest to newest members. We all bow to its dedication. Blaze, you are the wolf's spirit of this community.

And this story, my brother wolves, has not taken a end yet. Today, along with the release of AvP[3], the Wolf Pack Clan arise again. Many of its founders, trusty old members have gathered again and spontaneously decided to put it back on track. And that's what we are doing now, today, with this first Long Fangs Newsletter.

Wolfs, today, the Wolf Pack Clans howls again under the moon. Altogether. As a pack. Because, wolves we are, and wolves we stay.


Now, let's go back to serious businesses. The Long Fangs (the Wolf Pack Clan's council) has gathered this week. And here are the first decisions.





  1. Long Fangs composition

As a first step in the Wolf Pack Clan's reconstruction, a clan council has been set up. It is composed as following :

  • [WPC] Solo: Clan founder

  • [WPC] Webley: Clan founder and community manage

  • [WPC] Blaze: Clan Keeper

  • [WPC] MrShad (aka Shadow Spirit): Pack Keeper

  • [WPC] Buzz: Lair Keeper and server master


As you can see, those names have been selected based on their dedication to the clan, and of course because of their inputs and hard work on its reconstruction. But it doesn't mean this will last forever. An election is to be forseen in one month, the time for us to reinforce the community on its basis, and organise elections.


  1. Clan's jobs

As you know, the Wolf Pack Clan has never been too much, historically, into ranking of some sort. Based on a democratic system, every wolf has the right to voice his demands. In the other hand, this liberty requires obligations, which we use to design as responsibilities and jobs to be done in the community. So far, here is a list of jobs, and its volunteers:


  • Long Fangs:

    • Clan council responsible for the general clan leading.
      [WPC] Solo, [WPC] Webley,[WPC] Blaze,[WPC] MrShad, [WPC] Buzz.

  • Recruitment officers:

    • In charge of the recruitment. Helping new members to get accostumed.
      [WPC] Tic.

  • Community admins / moderators

    • In charge of the community management and wolves relationship. Managing and moderating forums/chat box.
      [WPC] MrShad

  • Artists

    • Responsible for the community arts development: design, logos, signatures, etc.
      [WPC] Hemi

  • Battle/clan war organisers

    • Responsible of the competitions organisations, and of course, outside relationships (with other clans).

  • Story writer

    • Story tellin is part of our spirit. Telling epic stories related to our gaming activities is what you want to do.

  • Server/teamspeak/ventrilo/website admin

    • Manage the game, teamspeak an technical aspects of the community
      Webmaster: [WPC] Solo, [WPC] Buzz, [WPC] Blaze
      Server/Teamspeak: Buzz


Having someone in charge of a job doesn't prevent anyone else from contributing. For instance, it's each and every wolf's charge to recruit and advertise potential members! If one or the other job is any interest for you, feel free to get in touch with one of the Long Fangs, or post in forums.


  1. Recruitment

Which lead to one of most critical point: members recruitment. As you all may have noticed, plenty of its historic and old members have returned back. Those wolves, if recognized, would be automatically enlisted, at their request (one word is enough).

But having old members back is not enough, and that won't make the clan back up on tracks for the long terms. That's why we count much on new blood. Thus, we encourage each and every wolves to advertise here and outside, on gaming forums or in games.

Of course, the recruitment process will follow, until further notice, the historical process. Post in forums, approval period, Long Fangs submission and vote, Long Fangs newsletter announcement.

  1. New member

Only a few days the game is out, and we already get some interesting applications.

Thus, I'm pleased to welcome our first 2010 wolf: [WPC] BallHawk's. Have fun, and enjoy your stay amongst us.

As for the others, please, do not think this is a no to your applications. The Long Fangs and the Pack needs to know you more before taking a decision. Feel free to visit and mostly important, contribute to our forums, or meet our members in game.

  1. Objectives

Last but not least, I'll try to summarize some of the most important achievements we need to fill in the short terms. Those goals are for each and every of you, and not only for those you believe are in charge of...

The Wolf's lair. As you may have noticed, a lot of work has been done in the website, which, you all know now, is the central point of our community. More tools will be added in the next few weeks. The objectives are to give us all the necessary tools to manage this community. Feel free to report any bugs or submit your request to me, or better, directly in the dedicate forum. Also, Hemi, who's in charge of its design is your man if you need some artistic touch, but pay attention to the fact that he only has two hands.

Also, the next achievement is, I like to stress it, recruitment and advertisement. Thus, wolves, hunting ground is your, just bring'm to the lair!

It's all for now. I wish you all good fun with us, and remember :

A Wolf never howls alone!


[WPC] Solo



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Author Thread
Published: 2010/2/21 11:56  Updated: 2010/2/21 11:56
Pack Member
Joined: 2009/6/8
From: -
Comments: 415
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
It's good to see the old newsletter back up, thank you for the mention m8 i've always enjoyed every minute i've spent on here
Published: 2010/2/21 11:57  Updated: 2010/2/21 11:57
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
You deserve it. Truly.

Published: 2010/2/21 12:11  Updated: 2010/2/21 12:11
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
nice job solo, im going to be out all day so wont be online, but great post, wil respond later
Published: 2010/2/21 12:18  Updated: 2010/2/21 12:19
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
Hi all

Good letter m8!

I thank you for returning me to my original job [server admin] I will do my best and keep WPC servers alive..
...congrats to all!
Published: 2010/2/21 19:28  Updated: 2010/2/21 19:30
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
The hardest way to design a website is to work around a system that already exists. Its not impossible as you can see, but it is the hard way. Till problems and were slowly getting there. Ill create a list with stuff I think needs adjustment soon, but not right needs to play AVP!!!

ow and thank you LORD SOLO!!.... for the mention hehe...indeed im not an Alien Queen with millions of hands hehe
Published: 2010/2/21 20:16  Updated: 2010/2/21 20:17
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Comments: 1503
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
Congratz to ballhawk

Just like to say thanks to every one whos worked on the site, its awsome
Thanks to Blaze for his dedication to the clan and pulling us all back in.
Thanks to Buzz and B-2 for the awsome servers
And thank you to every one else for putting up with my crap

And the only person who can get bent is oaksy, im not sure of the reason why yet, but il think of one
Published: 2010/2/21 21:10  Updated: 2010/2/21 21:10
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/2/13
From: Brisbane Australia
Comments: 106
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
haha yay im in!

this is gonna rock

great job solo!
Published: 2010/2/21 21:12  Updated: 2010/2/21 21:12
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
nice news letter

and Gratz to ballhawk
Published: 2010/2/22 9:35  Updated: 2010/2/22 9:35
Moon Howler
Joined: 2010/2/2
From: Sweden
Comments: 25
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
/me [WPC] SilentWolf howls in respekt and thanks to Blaze as thanks fore ceaping WPC up and running all the years!
Published: 2010/2/23 21:04  Updated: 2010/2/23 21:04
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/2/22
From: Leicester
Comments: 18
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [1]
Just wanna say this is a fantastic website and truly all the best solo for bringing this community together :) and how u kept this going for 8 years i dont know, u must be a miracle worker xD, gz to ballhawk's :)