Posted by DJ_WooDyon 2012/10/14 19:20:00 (3554 reads)
This week, im taking you all on a magical journey into the world of the unknown, and back again. So come along, hold my hand and lets frolic in WooDy's World! Jeej!
In this weeks newsletter, id like to discuss topics we all enjoy, foreplay if you will (heh thats a funny word).
First up, our beloved game Killing Floor has recieved an update on Server #3 for those that are interested. Some old Zeds have returned for some fun, as well as their new friends. Go check it out, you know you want to! (wink wink). So with that in mind, thanks for all the people that made it possible and sh*t.
For all you AVP nerds out there, we now have a temporary UK server up for AVP2 again, thanks to Whisky. I suggest that in the future that we plan to have a big girls night out, and play this game again! Id probably get my ass handed to me, but it will be great to have some fun, no? If anybody has any suggestions for when this is to take place, please tell me! Ahhh!! But at the same time, dont forget that we also have AVP3 still available via the Buzznet, so stop in and say hello!
Now, for those like me and still actually play Guild Wars 2, we really need to get some group events going on, you know like killing big things and getting some booty! Its kinda hard to get with Webley (the addict) on my time, but perhaps something on the weekend would be great! (wait that didnt sound right) So yeah anyway, good stuff, figure it out! w000!
A new map is in the works for all those playing The Hidden, thanks to Whisky and Nyan Xeno! Its been rumored that the map is nearly done, so hold tight! Thanks to everybody that helped test the map in the past and giving input as well. Make sure to give them both a wet sloppy kiss for all their hard work.
Now, as some of you know there is a discussion about Clan Matches going around. Some of you are interested, some of you not so much. But for those that are, if you have any input on what you would want to play and when, please check out the thread HERE and give us your two cents, thats if you can handle it =-p
In other news, I found out about a supposive REAL fight to take place in December of this year between Jean Claude Van Damme and Somluck Khamsing at Madison Square Garden in New York! But, sadly....I cant verify this :( The dude is freakin 52 years old! Gawd Damme! Anyway, I got excited for nothing me thinks. Oh well....
Now I know some of you are dissapointed that the radio went down, and I appologize for that. Its my fault that I became a broke ass and couldnt pay for the hosting anymore. I am trying to figure out what to do with it atm as im trying to get my shiz together. I do however have something I never released, which is pretty cool. So lets see if it works.... (crosses fingers)
Anyway, thats it for this weeks newsletter. I suggest if you have any input to see it next weeks newsletter....TELL US! *Insert Smiley Face*
Remember, there is always a Wolf in a car....errr Wolf in a Bear.....or was that a squirrel?
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Awesome read, thanks mate!!!! Agree with GW2 And if we are being relaxed, I would say that its ok to represent other guilds where you find the action your looking for. For instance I joined a PvP guild for when all the WPC guys are asleep