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Clan Council : Newsletter 130
Posted by HalfDemon on 2012/9/30 13:55:11 (3710 reads)

It's been a long, long run for the previous council.
Time to reflect.

As many of the veteran members know, WPC has continually adapted over the ten years since it was created. It began as a closely knit group of friends into the community that it is today. There have been many hardships on the way and the previous council bore a terrible burden in their term. When I mean terrible, I genuinely mean it. Time and time again, the council was torn between trying to keep the basic principles of the WPC as well as pleasing a wide range of members. Being such a brilliant community, WPC attracted a large number of applicants, many of which who did not have the right attitude to our clan. I joined the council when most of these members had departed, yet even so, it was evident just how much pressure had been on the council. It may seem at first a privilege to be a 'council' member, yet in the past the council were being torn apart to make everyone happy. It is not easy, believe me.
So give a great a big thanks to our previous council members;
LordDean, Whisky, Snooze, Hydro and last but never least, Hemi.
I can bet that if we didn't have this talented bunch as council that WPC wouldn't have lasted as long as it has.
Hopefully the new council's term won't be as stressful, but we'll give as much effort as the previous council had!
In the next couple of weeks or so, the new council will be explaining what our aims are and plans we have the future.
No new members this week due to the past elections.
I apologise for the briefness of this newsletter, but as the new council we are still discussing greatly as what we are going to do.
But I can assure you all we want to keep WPC as just one big group of friends. Just how we started out as and may that never change.
And remember, while there's a wolf in the woods, the wolf is never alone.

P.S "No one put any food in the GW2 bank." - Woody

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/9/30 18:15  Updated: 2012/9/30 18:15
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 130
A hard working team they were..

Thank You LordDean, Whisky, Snooze, Hydro and Hemi.
Published: 2012/9/30 19:44  Updated: 2012/9/30 19:44
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Newsletter 130
Yes, many thanks to them. And we wish all the best to the new council. We're hanging on your lips, people...

Published: 2012/10/2 3:10  Updated: 2012/10/2 3:10
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Newsletter 130
And thanks to Buzz and all modders/admins/council members past and present!!
Published: 2012/10/3 3:41  Updated: 2012/10/3 3:41
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/7/21
From: Houston,Texas,USA
Comments: 473
 Re: Newsletter 130
Although im new its quite obvious to me what an impact these and other fine individuals have had on the WPC and its members. and after getting to know most of them and other "pillars" of the community its quite clear to me that these individuals should be thanked profusely for their stellar service and character.
Published: 2012/10/3 19:54  Updated: 2012/10/3 19:55
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/6/2
From: Wisconsin- U.S.A
Comments: 112
 Re: Newsletter 130
I also must commend the previous council because without their warm welcome, and efforts to maintain a mature yet fun gaming environment, I would not have ever considered joining this clan. In addition I must personally thank Whisky for being the shenanigans ridden yet refined chap that he is, for he set a great example of what an ideal WPC and Long Fang representative should aspire to be. He was a great factor in why I joined WPC. On a side note I've enjoyed gaming with just about everyone in this clan too.