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Clan Council : Newsletter 128
Posted by Snooze on 2012/9/16 21:16:34 (4612 reads)

Welcome to another important newsletter! And to start it of, something completely useless!

New member!
Lets all welcome theblad009 to the pack! Wear your tags with pride,
we are happy to have you!
Council nominees
The poll for new council will be up shortly on the front page. You can only vote once,
and you can vote for 5 members, but you dont have to use all your votes. The rules
for election are in last weeks newsletter if you want to read them again.
And the nominees are:
Fairly new member of 4 months, shown a lot of involvement in the clan from the start!
Has been setting up our polls and has signed up for the job of reqruitement officer.
Its Woody! Been a member for 2,5 years, has served on the council before,
came up with WPC Radio (currently under construction), game collector,
life of ts, and the nicest guy I know! We love Woody! Horse shit!
Member for 1,5 years, member of the current council and the only returning one.
Has blessed us with many wonderfull stories as a Moon Howler!
Crazy croatian bastard! Member for more than 2 years, he loves trains, he's
batshit crazy but we love him for it! You might not know he's come up with many
awesome ideas for the clan and our servers.
Member for 6 months, father of 3, huge Killing Floor fan! He'll never give up on that
game, nor the clan! He's our one true scotsman.
Member of 1,5 years, awesome artist and known for his voices on ts! Maybe once he's
on the council he'll finally be able to convince his girlfriend to join us lol
Some of you are probably thinking...who?! But this guy is a regular WPC Legend!
He ran part of the clan on his own for years! Hemi and myself served under him playing
AvP 2, he's a strong leader I can tell you! He's been away for some time with the army,
but he's back and ours is the first place he came to!
Thats all folks, happy voting and good luck the the nominees! And remember, there's always a wolf voting for himself

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/9/16 22:09  Updated: 2012/9/16 22:09
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Newsletter 128
c'monnnnnn! I'm still waiting!

Nice work on the candidate information!
Published: 2012/9/16 23:10  Updated: 2012/9/16 23:10
Pack Member
Joined: 2009/6/8
From: -
Comments: 415
 Re: Newsletter 128
very nice sum up :P

Thanks for putting me forward tho guess i timed my return just right lol

now i just need people to vote for me :)
Published: 2012/9/17 6:42  Updated: 2012/9/17 6:46
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/6/2
From: Wisconsin- U.S.A
Comments: 112
 Re: Newsletter 128
Congratulations on finally making it into WPC Blade!

Good luck to everyone in the polls too :)

Published: 2012/9/17 7:31  Updated: 2012/9/17 7:31
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/8/24
From: Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Comments: 279
 Re: Newsletter 128 question. What will the voting be like? One vote per member? Or will each member post a yes/no vote for each candidate?
Published: 2012/9/17 9:11  Updated: 2012/9/17 9:12
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 128
Council nominees The poll for new council will be up shortly on the front page. You can only vote once, and you can vote for 5 members, but you dont have to use all your votes. The rules for election are in last weeks newsletter if you want to read them again.

there you go tesla, just up the page a bit. too far for you to scroll i see :P

Welcome blade! and good luck to the candidates! i shall vote accordingly.
Published: 2012/9/17 16:24  Updated: 2012/9/17 16:24
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/5/24
From: Moray, Scotland
Comments: 334
 Re: Newsletter 128
Of all the sophisticated and elegant pictures of me on the interweb and Snooze picked THAT one. XD Good times.
Published: 2012/9/17 17:05  Updated: 2012/9/17 17:05
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 128
I'm sexy and I know it!
GL to all, but u all know that I'll be the FIRST ONE!


sup Blade <3
Published: 2012/9/18 7:30  Updated: 2012/9/18 7:30
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/4
From: UK
Comments: 160
 Re: Newsletter 128
Well done Blade and welcome!

Also, good luck to the new council candidates
Published: 2012/9/23 0:36  Updated: 2012/9/23 0:36
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: Newsletter 128
Welcome Blade!

Best of luck to all nominees, I've voted ^^