Newsletter time peeps, and you know when I make a newsletter I love to use a lot of pics to illustrate whats going on...
Something old something new...
We want to involve our oldest members as much as possible as we treasure them like a bronze medal in pommel horse. Therefor we have come up with a new rank: Wise Wolf Personally I object to the term "old", basicly its like giving out a senior citizen pass. But I guess it comes with some perks like acces to the council forums and free public transport. Their acces to the council forums is purely as an advisory function to the Long Fangs. As the first four Wise Wolves we would like to grant this honor to for their longstanding membership, and previous council work are: Alpha_Cephei DJ_Woody Tic Darktiddles
Jeej! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules of engagement Mainly the Dayz server has brought up a lot of questioning on how to interact in game with eachother. Let us all remind you of our wolf codex, wich states very clearly how we feel about the way we play games with eachother: - Please refrain from using so called, "leet" speak, "0mg, I so 1337 you f4cking n00b!"
- Be graceful when winning / loosing - always show your opponent respect - if you can not do this, leave the game.
- Most importantly, have fun and dont take the game to seriously!
- Hacking/exploits or any other 3rd party aid will result in instant BAN!
- No griefing/ruining fun for other players in any server is accepted
- Banter is accepted, please always respect the un-written boundaries regarding swearing and getting carried away.
- Posting funny rubbish on the forums scores top marks with us! gaming is a mere by-product of our community and clan.
- We are all equals here, no matter what job, rank or length you have been a member, please show other members (And outsiders!) the same respect as you would a family member. We are a family.
This codex can be found here at all times. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New moderator! <3 Like I said before, we cherish our members and specially those who have shown great involvment in the clan! One of those is that crazy croatian bastard Cherry. We all love you, and I think you'll do a great job as moderator of the Dayz forums! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New members No new members this week. We have a lot of people joining these days, and I hope some of the new applicants are reading this newsletter (points to those that have). Our clan is more than just a forum, a chatbox or a Dayz server. Its a group of people who most of all enjoy eachothers company. Show your involvement in the clan, let us get to know you, and we hit it off then glorious things will happen! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to end this newsletter with a picture of ya'll, I wasnt there to witniss it personally, but I love it so much!! We used to be just a hand full of people hanging around, and with our numbers growing so rapidly struggles arise. But this shows how much fun it can be if we're all on the same page! Tinychat page that is! And remember, there's always a wolf in a hat!