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Clan Council : Newsletter 123
Posted by Webley on 2012/8/5 10:00:00 (4801 reads)
Clan Council

Hello again wolves! WOW its been a long time since I did one of these…. So here it goes! Please bare with me as I am a bit rusty and have a lot to cover in this newsletter…. I hope it turns out ok? Just remember I am no Mary Poppins. A spoon full of sugar is not always good for helping the medicine go down. Sometimes it requires a gun in the face to make others do what you want them to do. This is why they called her Mary “Poppins”. If kids didn’t take the sugar she would “pop” a cap “ins” their ass. Look it up. Im pretty sure it says that in Wikipedia somewhere… So on to Newsletter 123.... Its as easy as ABC...

Heres a picture of Micheal standing in for Mary Poppins when she was away on holiday.

[Image removed due to malware flagging]

Disclaimer: After reading this newsletter please give me your feedback here. There will no doubt be alot of questions. New changes are always open to changing of course!


Firstly I would like to cover our history and set targets for the future. Theres been a lot of new members since 2002 as you could imagine. So an explanation on our roots is in order! J

The History

The WPC started as any other clan did back in 2002. People fragged each other, and were thus asked to join the other like minded fraggers. We did however discover that most clans would die out when the game of interest either got old, or if leadership got stale. When this was identified it was mine and Solos mission to create what we now call the Long Fang system or the "Council". The Long Fang system would allow leadership to be renewed and refreshed and would solely focus on creating a strong community around members, as opposed to a strong community around the games which would eventually get old. The reason? If the community is strong it really doesn’t matter what game it is. Gaming is merely a by-product of our community. By taking this approach we got taken by surprise. A tight knit family of friends was formed. It became much more intimate than we imagined. People donated money to create a proper website and others gave their services in hosting Servers and contributing tools which we could all use to enhance the family experience. Did I think 10 years later this site would still be here? The answer is no… After taking your feedback in from the feedback thread and various other sources ( it seems we all want to get the Family experience back to the top of the list.

The Future

So 10 years later brings us to today. The family feel has since been watered down somewhat due to the massive increase in numbers. Albeit some really superb members have come of this, there have been one or two bad eggs who have ruined it for everyone. The spotlight from the work our current community is putting out into the internets is getting a lot of attention! and quite rightly so! This is by no means a bad thing. However measures have not been in place to protect the core members and the reasons why they joined in the first place. Family comes first. Our old recruitment/membership policies used to be really relaxed. However they are too relaxed due to the higher numbers we now attract. Because of this the WPC has grown beyond its initial scope. So that’s the first change I bring in this newsletter. Details can be read here on the new application process:

Our policies on problem members have always been to help them as much as possible and only use the BAN solution as a last resort. I myself have only ever had to use the Ban button once or twice in the last 10 years. Before doing so I would also spend a lot of my time throwing rainbows and jellybeans into their faces until they turned out to be the family member we were hoping them to be. This process however takes a lot of time and focus. It used to be possible in the smaller community we had 10 years ago. It is not so possible now. After changing the recruitment policy I am hoping that will lessen the need to ban members in the future. I am starting to feel it is too easy to gain access as a member and too hard to kick the problem members out with our old “We love you, please don’t leave us” policy. A new set of ground rules will be put in place if the occasion would arise which you can also read here (Its fairly straight forward and common nowadays): Member Conduct and Banning Rules

We have members who are 1 week old, 1 year old, 5 years old and 10 years old. My target is to keep you all coming back. Community and Family are the keywords here people. The people who provide the servers, the websites and the mods are not doing it for money. They are doing it for family. These changes are necessary from stopping the old wolves disliking a changed community which has lost its initial purpose. However we have always been open to change. In fact we thrive on it. A lot of what you see today like the “WPC Stories” or “Modding” or “Avatars” or “Teamspeak” where suggestions made by members (Not just council). They turned out to be good ideas which is why you still see them today.

Changes usually start off in a friendly forum topic. Add some brain storming and constructive feedback and we can all work towards the final draft. This is the political side of the family at play here. However since the old days people just find it easier to complain, cross their arms and expect something to be done about it. Now that’s not helping is it?….. Primarily the council is held responsible at the end result. This is in my opinion making poor use of the council. A standard member can fully lead a change with the councils help. You don’t have to be a Long Fang to make a difference. Now instead of leaving things like this open to interpretation I have created the almighty “Change Request Form!!!!!” behold its mighty glow!!!!! J Its simple people… really… It is….. There will be a forum where you stick your change request in. Members will then join the topic with you. The council concludes the idea and the founders take one last look before it’s either burnt or mounted. Easy. To be used by council and members and founders!

Interesting Fact RE: The Change Request Form:

The Long Fang Council System was A suggestion made by me and finalized by me, solo and 2 other members MacCabbe and Main Gauche in a constructive conversation which started in the 1st forum hosted from our Geocities website. We then went on to form the 1st ever Long Fang council. I believe the name "Long Fang" was MacCabbes idea

That wraps up some of the changes taking place this weekend. Those who sent their membership applications before the time of this posting will still go under the old rules. J

The Council

Ok so this is fairly simple. The council usually operates in a team of 5. I just wanted to define this. If there are no applicants for council then it is up to Founders me and Solo to take care of our wolves. If there is only 4 applicants then 1 Founder will fill the remaining seat. If there is only 3 applicants then 2 founders will fill the remaining seats.

Elections are now held every 6 months on these dates without fail:
20th - 30th September
21st - 31st March

Applicants must score 8 or more votes to be successful and must be a member. If there are 6 applicants; the 5 with the highest scores (over 8) will be successful.

If only 3 of the 6 applicants score over 8, the 2 Founders will fill the remaining seats to make the council a team of 5.

If a council member steps down or breaks the conduct a re-election for the spare seat will be held at any time to fill the team back to 5.


Ok so I am expecting some feedback after todays news. Obviously I am open to change on them if they protect our family values. Please see these changes as an update to 10year old policies. They were in serious need of an update. Not all of these changes reflect current situations at present, but were put in place to stop things which happened almost a year ago now. Where we go from here is a new venture for all of us, me included. Lets make sure we make safety nets now to secure our future from the things which happened in the past and from what lies in the future.

Please leave your feedback here

Other News

Speaking of Family....

One of our oldest members (Between 10 or 8 years?) MrShad and the missus have had a beautiful baby boy named Linus. We wish them all the best with the new addition to the family!!! Yey!!!! Post your pics in the forums mate!!!!!

Dead Island WPC Community Mod released!!!

The modding team have done it again. Its pretty crazy if you count the mods over the last 2 years. WPC almost has its own indie gaming company under the hood

Click Here

New Music Forum to support our Radio!

If you haven't noticed.... The WPC radio is back!!! Remember those old WPC Radio Commercials?
We now have a forum to support this feature!

Click Here

New DayZ map on the server "Lingor Island"

Its a pretty complex game when your not blowing out the brains of a zombie. Some of you maybe needing this tutorial for the installation of the new map so here it is!


Dont forget about the recent news on the rollback and other issues!

New Guild Wars 2 Forums!

WPC has never really had an MMO... SWTOR had the promise but never really came into fruition. Could this be the one? Discuss here!

And remember. Every season, there is always a change in the woods...

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/8/5 11:06  Updated: 2012/8/5 11:06
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 123
You've still got it Web! Damn good newsletter! Looking forward to seeing how all the changes will work out. A heads up on the elections to the members, I will not be running for council this term. Hope to see a lot of fresh blood sign up!!
Published: 2012/8/5 13:06  Updated: 2012/8/5 13:40
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Newsletter 123
Interesting Fact RE: The Change Request Form:

The Long Fang Council System was A suggestion made by me and finalized by me, solo and 2 other members MacCabbe and Main Gauche in a constructive conversation which started in the 1st forum hosted from our Geocities website. We then went on to form the 1st ever Long Fang council. I believe the name long fang was MacCabbes idea
Published: 2012/8/5 13:30  Updated: 2012/8/5 13:30
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 123
Great job webby, thanks for helping us out!
Published: 2012/8/5 13:30  Updated: 2012/8/5 13:30
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Newsletter 123
Webley great letter! It's good to have you writing again!

I do find it interesting that you bring up MrShad considering I haven't heard from him since the week after I first registered! But I hope we get an old Wolf returning
Published: 2012/8/5 13:36  Updated: 2012/8/5 13:37
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Newsletter 123
I guess it could sound a bit wierd zeeky, however we are always in touch through facebook. So i guess as members, we found other ways to stay in touch beyond the website. There is one valid reason though for this news to make an appearance on the site... I would of never known of his exsistance if it wasnt for WPC so its worth a mention.

Its news like this that brings the old people back for a good read on people they remember from 8 years ago
Published: 2012/8/5 13:57  Updated: 2012/8/5 13:57
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 123
Published: 2012/8/5 14:19  Updated: 2012/8/5 14:19
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Newsletter 123
I understand Webley, it is nice to be kept up to date though
Published: 2012/8/5 14:48  Updated: 2012/8/5 14:48
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
 Re: Newsletter 123
Nice news letter webbers... surprisingly clean... *is now suspicious* are you the real Webley? Age must be catching up with you mate. ;)
Published: 2012/8/5 16:20  Updated: 2012/8/6 1:40
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/6/2
From: Wisconsin- U.S.A
Comments: 112
 Re: Newsletter 123
I agree with these changes. Before when I hung out with WPC ( In the 3-4 months before joining the clan) I noticed you didn't get many new members. However now that many people are joining WPC this change is well in order. I'm glad the initiative was taken before things got out of hand rather than let things hit the fan and then change. Bravo on being proactive, I'll be looking forward to these changes Webley. =)
Published: 2012/8/5 18:42  Updated: 2012/8/5 18:42
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Scotland
Comments: 550
 Re: Newsletter 123
i think thats the longest newsletter i've had to read lol. couldnt agree more with Mithchell
Published: 2012/8/6 6:00  Updated: 2012/8/6 6:00
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Newsletter 123
Updated the link to the change request form in the newsletter
Published: 2012/8/6 10:24  Updated: 2012/8/6 10:25
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: Newsletter 123
Wow! Who would have figured Mary Poppins was an evil bitch?

Webley, you truly are a fountain of knowledge. Ill never trust an English bird with an umbrella again.
Published: 2012/8/7 17:07  Updated: 2012/8/7 17:07
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/10/16
From: Philippines
Comments: 235
 Re: Newsletter 123
Excellent newsletter Webley!

Glad that your back, very excited about the new proposed changes & I am very happy to hear the word "family" again.

Will definitely share some suggestions.
Published: 2012/8/18 18:06  Updated: 2012/8/18 18:06
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/2/24
From: Paris
Comments: 251
 Re: Newsletter 123
Good point : my name is cited. Twice.

Bad point : not enough cheeze.

You may proceed.