Straight From The WPC Servers 
Server Updates Killing Floor The Killing Floor Summer Event is now over. All servers have been updated to the latest version which includes a roll back to normal zeds and events. All modded servers are up and running fine. Please report any and all problems to either; Buzz, Hemi, Whisky or LordDean. DayZ DayZ Server is now running DayZ version with ARMA2 Beta patch .94444. ARMA2 central servers are down for maintenance, with a little luck it’ll be finished soon so hang in there you zombie nuts. Please report any and all problems either; Whisky or LordDean. EDIT 25/07/2012 - ARMA2 Central servers are back online, you should be able to connect no problem, you don't need the latest patch and remember to check your filters. Unreal Tournament GOTY A temp server for giggles has been setup on IP Currently running a full map rotation on DeathMatch, if we get enough players we may swap it up to CTF. Please report any and all problems to Whisky.