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Website : Server Update
Posted by Whisky on 2012/7/24 23:50:00 (9031 reads)

Straight From The WPC Servers

Server Updates

Killing Floor

The Killing Floor Summer Event is now over. All servers have been updated to the latest version which includes a roll back to normal zeds and events. All modded servers are up and running fine. Please report any and all problems to either; Buzz, Hemi, Whisky or LordDean.


DayZ Server is now running DayZ version with ARMA2 Beta patch .94444. ARMA2 central servers are down for maintenance, with a little luck it’ll be finished soon so hang in there you zombie nuts. Please report any and all problems either; Whisky or LordDean.

EDIT 25/07/2012 - ARMA2 Central servers are back online, you should be able to connect no problem, you don't need the latest patch and remember to check your filters.

Unreal Tournament GOTY

A temp server for giggles has been setup on IP Currently running a full map rotation on DeathMatch, if we get enough players we may swap it up to CTF. Please report any and all problems to Whisky.

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/7/24 23:56  Updated: 2012/7/24 23:56
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Server Update
jeeeeeeeeeeeeej! : )
Published: 2012/7/25 6:28  Updated: 2012/7/25 6:28
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/8/24
From: Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Comments: 279
 Re: Server Update
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Published: 2012/7/26 21:39  Updated: 2012/7/26 21:39
Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Comments: 1149
 Re: Server Update
(back from at 2 day holiday) The lil UT GOTY match last time was fun yeah hehe.
Funny to see it's still running as well since its pretty old now.
This game sure gets you on edge tho so longer play is kinda impossible :)
i'm allways up for it tho! :D