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Clan Council : Newsletter 119
Posted by Hydro on 2012/7/8 15:17:42 (4248 reads)

Quite some news this week and I will begin with ....SQUIRREL!!

Let's start with some DayZ!

Server migration: is the IP for the new server on Buzz's
machine, included moving the HiveMind with the server, to keep the integrity
of the server, and to not waste your valuble time and effot after much vehicle

For those of you who don't have DayZ (including me and I waaant it) you
can see what it's like with Whisky's and Cherry's super fun adventure time!

Members: No new members this week, just keep chatting and gaming and
we'll see next week!


That's right! Another update for the killingfloor! The summer sideshow has
rolled back into town! Step right up and see the freak show, WARNING,
please keep hands and legs from the attractions. All servers have been
updated and there are some achievements you can try at again!

Prize Draws:

There will be some upcoming prize draws, where you can win dlc, games,
dinner with snooze, etc. Keep tuned!

That's all folks! Remember, there is always a wolf in the woods, and
one... SQUIRREL!!

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/7/8 15:34  Updated: 2012/7/8 15:34
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 119
I'm going to dinner with one of you boys? I've already won!!
Published: 2012/7/8 16:01  Updated: 2012/7/8 16:01
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/8/24
From: Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Comments: 279
 Re: Newsletter 119
ooooh, new stuff for me to win. Hey snooze, do you prefer italian or greek?
Published: 2012/7/8 18:56  Updated: 2012/7/8 18:56
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/2/17
From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Comments: 194
 Re: Newsletter 119
I need the password anyone can PM me...
Published: 2012/7/9 14:28  Updated: 2012/7/9 14:28
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/12/13
From: Belgium
Comments: 78
 Re: Newsletter 119
Netherlands?It's doable :D
Published: 2012/7/10 16:30  Updated: 2012/7/10 16:30
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Newsletter 119
Oh soup, I love your newsletters! Can't wait to get my laptop and play some day Z!