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Clan Council : Newsletter 115
Posted by HalfDemon on 2012/6/10 16:40:00 (4443 reads)

This compact WPC newsletter is brought to you by none other than by myself, HalfDemon. Undeniably, to my knowledge, this week has been relatively uneventful - for the clan, that is - but there's plenty of important news! In the absence of two of our resident Council Members off on their honeymoon and the other two still recovering from exams...
...wait what was that...
Mr. Creeper, what are you doing here?

After dealing with a Creeper Infestation that managed to melt down my computer and ruin my previous work, I am now back to bring you the delayed newsletter, my apologies to you all. Now enough chit chat, lets get to the actual newsletter!
More Members!?
Yep, that's right, we have another new wolf to our clan;
I warmly welcome you to our humble community. I hope to see you in-game sometime!
For other applicants who are waiting, Hemi and Snooze are away and will not be able to hand in their vote, but stay tuned in and you'll get your verdict soon enough.
As a gaming community it'd be a crime not to even mention E3, but alas, as ever, not much really appeared of any interest has reached me (anyone else notice that every game seemed to include a bow or a helicopter?)
Well aside from...
While it has limited potential as a community game, I have always been impressed by Ubisoft's work on this series. Even more fascinating to me is that this game is set in the American Revolutionary War and you play as a Native American, Connor - no, not our resident Council Member (though the Assassin is wearing blue...) - and has sparked some controversy across the internet simply due to the whole British/American battles. This is quite interesting considering that happened over three hundred years ago and well, as a Englishman myself I have no problem with potentially 'killing' 'my side'. To add to this, some of the targets are on the American side, so why are the players complaining it's Pro-American? The human race never ends to fascinate me. At the end of the day it's just a video game. Right?
DUST 514
The extra degree of warfare to EVE is slowly unwinding itself from the Beta. Anyone can now sign up for the Closed Beta and possibly join in the current build. With some luck, our community should be able to get in a few members before the final release to gain the upper hand. Considering our resident players on EVE are pretty bad-ass in their recent wars, I hope to match their epicness on land and take the fight to our foes head-on and face-to-face! One of the great things about this game is that it's totally and 100% free on the PS3. I've never anticipated a game as much as DUST 514, namely because one bullet, one step, one breath can literally decide the fate of a war. Bring on DUST 514 and bring on our foes.
While I haven't been that gripped by the game, a lot of chaps are digging this co-op zombie shooter. WPC as I'm aware currently has a private server or will have a server up at some point in time, speak to Whisky for details! If you are interested in getting the game, from what I've heard, it is a very rewarding and also very unforgiving mod if one is alone. However in WPC, we fight together as a pack, so our survival is assured!
-WHISKY UPDATE- We don't have private server. We are however in the process of setting up a server (right now in fact) which will be public. Keep your eyes open.
Sadly, that is all folks but next week should be a far more eventful and interesting week.
Yet, with my own exams out the way, I may even be able to put aside some time to create some stories for the clan.
In fact, I think there's a series I haven't finished yet...
Remember my battle-brothers and sisters, there is always a wolf in the woods and one that should probably stop playing with fire - otherwise he's going to find himself in nothing but dust...

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/6/10 19:56  Updated: 2012/6/10 19:56
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/5/24
From: Moray, Scotland
Comments: 334
 Re: Newsletter 115
Small screw up with the newsletter, my bad guys.
Published: 2012/6/10 23:15  Updated: 2012/6/10 23:15
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 115
Everything cool : )
Published: 2012/6/12 22:32  Updated: 2012/6/12 22:32
Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Comments: 1149
 Re: Newsletter 115
Nice newsleter HD, urs are allways a good read :)

About AC 3 tho, not rly a fan of when they put guns in what was supposed to be a swords only game in the first one.
Thats how they made me not like the later Fable game as well actually.
Just think about Oblivion that got guns shoved down its troat, ugh lol.
Published: 2012/6/13 0:10  Updated: 2012/6/13 0:12
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: Newsletter 115
Nice one HD. Good read about the E3 stuff ^^

I admit I lost all interest in AC when it became a yearly money grabber (online play included) like CoD. Though AC3 has rekindled an interest, based on its demo.

Watchdogs also looks interesting, as well as The Last of Us. Though admittedly it's in game "demo" looked extremely "set piecey"

Though any game that peaks my interest atm deserves credit either way, especially compared to the grey coloured excrement that has been doled out the past 2 years ^^