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Clan Council : Newsletter 111
Posted by HalfDemon on 2012/5/13 18:20:20 (3965 reads)

#Written by HalfDemon in conjunction with a little bit of Whisky#
It may have appeared to be a calm, relaxed week to our wolves....
The war in EVE rages on, but reinforcements have come to try and turn the fate of the war!
And a veteran wolf has finally joined our ranks!
Read on and discover whom this veteran is and the many battles that are burning on:

#Whisky# This week I'd like to welcome to the ranks...wait this can't be right...HEY GUYS?! You sure this is right? Well, well, it's only taken more than two years but Braindead has finally joined us.
One of us...
One of us...
One of us...
Ahem, well for a long time Braindead was a long time, well, a VIP of the Wolf Pack Clan. Having worked on mods with us for a long time, including the Brute and Hunting Rifle and that is just the tip of the iceberg.
The newcomer Dino Beatdown has been released (and patched) and alot of members have hopped on board to blow up, burn up, gib up and generally smack to death the gigantic reptiles. I don't understand how anyone could beat up the adorable little killing machines, but alas, for those who have purchased the game have seemed to enjoyed the surreal action. At one point in Teamspeak the other night I recall the sounds of someone beating a T-Rex to death with their fists (of course, that would be Whisky ). WPC has decided to put up a server for the game for the time being, if you wish to hop in, just ask one of the web admins for the IP address.
In EVE, LordDean has been leading a fight against a rival corporation and while the conflict has not seen huge battles at the time of this writing, a number of bloody skirmishes have been fought that have led to a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Myself and Hemi have joined the battle and I served as a recon unit last night to assist in catching a war target. Alas, LordDean was caught in a trap by the rival corporation and lost his ship to the honourless P'etaQs! But with Hemi and my own, if not limited skills joining the fray WE WILL WIN THIS WAR!
As some may have noticed, the Killing Floor servers have received another update. The new 'Serverperks' package has added a bunch of new small, features but the WPC community has jumped in together to slaughter through waves of the mutant clones. Rockets, fire, claymores and katanas, winchesters and AK47s have all resounded throughout the week and more and more players seem to be jumping onto our servers more than ever. If you're looking to ever get back into Killing Floor or just some more fun as you swat aside the specimens, then now has never been a better time to jump onto the boat before it set sails.
Speaking of... it's only about seventeen days until Prometheus is released! Now, understandably it's not every one's cup of tea, but if this film is good enough, it'll set a bar to achieve for new films and Sci-Fi will be forever more pushed towards a far, far darker side. At the moment, in my opinion that is, there's way too much fancy pancy, glittery graphics and explosions consisting of current 'Sci-Fi' films. When this movie is released we'll possibly have films that edge towards something far more fresh and new in a darker and more horrific way. Chances are, since this is done by a film by the amazing Ridley Scott, that is fate could be well be a possibility. Even if you don't like Sci-Fi, it's well worth investigating as many a wolf will testify to!
And remember, if there's always a wolf out battling his foes, he or she, could always do with some help from their fellow wolves.
HD docking out.

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/5/13 18:48  Updated: 2012/5/13 18:48
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 111
ORION is the best game ever!
Published: 2012/5/13 18:52  Updated: 2012/5/13 18:52
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 111
I DIED!!! meh, poo happens, alas the fight goes on.

good news letter guys!
Published: 2012/5/13 18:52  Updated: 2012/5/13 18:54
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 111
ORION is the best game ever!

Click to see original Image in a new window

and yes...this is a very good newsletter. Good work HD!
Published: 2012/5/13 21:03  Updated: 2012/5/13 21:03
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/4
From: UK
Comments: 160
 Re: Newsletter 111
Heheh thanks for the mention. yup has been way tooo long overdue.

Really glad to be finally part of the crew,

Prometheus looks awesome!!
Published: 2012/5/13 21:50  Updated: 2012/5/13 21:50
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 111
welcome BrainDead!!
Published: 2012/5/13 22:43  Updated: 2012/5/13 22:45
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/3/7
From: Northern Wastelands of Canada
Comments: 258
 Re: Newsletter 111
Orion is the game I'm keeping my hopes up. Right now it's a buggy mess. A funn buggy mess, but a mess nonetheless.

But then bugfixes....and mods... it will be a <3

Edit: YAY! Braindead! in the words of many a forum lurker: teach me how make unreal engine weapons!
Published: 2012/5/14 1:54  Updated: 2012/5/14 1:54
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Greece
Comments: 498
 Re: Newsletter 111
Welcome Braindead , i had first heard of you from the Brute's credits
Great to have you with us.
Regarding, Orion, it indeed has potential, i hope they will fix the crashes and bugs and make it playable in the future as i have issues running it at the moment.
Published: 2012/5/14 13:33  Updated: 2012/5/14 13:33
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/10/16
From: Philippines
Comments: 235
 Re: Newsletter 111
Welcome Braindead! You sure took your time.

Orion, more like BOreion! Still doesn't work on 32bit OS! Grrrr!!!
Published: 2012/5/15 12:54  Updated: 2012/5/15 12:54
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Newsletter 111
HAHA Braindead finally joined! hehe, took his time xoxo

They call him Braindead for a reason then *cheeky grin*