Hey hey guys! It's hydro....but this time i'm writing this from the garden! That's right...it's hot in Ireland! Don't be alarmed!!!
 That's me pretty much! Except I have hair XD
Not much news this week I'm afraid!
But on Steam, you may have noticed that the SQUARE ENIX sale is on! That's right, if you ever wanted Deus Ex or Front Mission Evolved you can get them at a massive discount!!

Avatars: Check the avatar thread for the shiney Killingfloor avatars, made by Hemi!! They're terrifyingly good!
Other News:
I will be posting the final chapter of my Horzine Chronicles very soon, more than likely sometime this week! So if you havent read them or forgot the story you can find them in the Stories section! What will happen? we shall find out....
For our new members, why not post a pic of yourself in the paste your face thread? I'll post a pic to bump it up on the homepage!
That's all folks! *wipes bead of sweat off head* Reeeeeemember:
There's always a wolf in the woods, and one panting under the afternoon sun!
P.S Snooze....where's my lemonade?!!