So back by popular demand! (That is, someone other than me actually asked for it. lol ) Dust off your crowbar, polish your magnum and put the headcrab out. I present to you, [pause for dramatic effect] Death By Flying Urinal : Round 3!! I'll fire up the server, install some new toys and jobs a good'en. Rules will remain the same as last time unless we get a lot more people. 3 ten minute rounds, points allocated to highest to lowest. One with most points at the end wins. Simple right? This time with a TWIST! This will run for 3 weekends! AND there will a prize for the winner at the end! How awesome is that! NB you have to be present for all 3 matches to qualify for a chance to win the prize. Times and signups are over here! http://www.wolfpackclan.com/modules/n ... y-flying-urinalround.html as will be all other updates. As we are upping the game this time round we'll get a practice friendly round going this weekend to give everyone a chance to get it installed and setup. Even will be livestreamed at our WolfPackClan channel. Feel free to jump into TeamSpeak for the banter and let's have a frag fest. If you have any map suggestions post them below with a working link, if they check out I'll put them on for us to play on. XEEEENOOOOO! MAPS!! WE WANT YOUR MAPS! (Rumour has it there may even be some new weapons... can you say ooo?) Edit - XEEENOOOO! Thanks for the maps!!! =D