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Clan Council : Newsletter 93
Posted by LordDean on 2012/1/8 19:30:00 (4885 reads)

Hello Wolves, This weeks newsletter mainly contains information about

minecraft cue pic.....

Myself and whisky have been working on a new minecraft server, which
is currently invite only due to the sensitive nature of the experiments :D

We have installed the IndustrialCraft2 Mod onto the server, this is a very
interesting mod, with some high end equipment available, and some
machines which make the game a whole lot more enjoyable!

There is a cacth to playing on this server though, and its you have to have
client side files, and due to the nature of minecraft, we cant fast redirect.

Here is a few thing which the mod contains:

Solar power
Nuclear reactors

and of course with nuclear power there is nuclear meltdown, this is why we want
people to be careful in this server one wrong move and (see pic..........)

If anyone is interested in taking a look at this server, myself or whisky know and we'll
see if we can let you in :D



Killingfloor had a roll back, so the modding community should be hard at work
re-aligning code and all that jazz, so no news to report for now.



The long fangs, and founders have a surprise planned for you all, so stay tuned
and keep your eyeballs open!



Unfortunately we dont have any new members this week, but check in next weeks
newsletter for more announcements.


and remember there is always a w......ssssSSSSSSSssssss........ CREEEPERRR

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/1/8 22:12  Updated: 2012/1/8 22:12
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/5/24
From: Moray, Scotland
Comments: 334
 Re: Newsletter 93
The mod is certainly a must to try out if you're fan of minecraft, I've had a lot of fun creating a fortress on Whisky's server with the LAZERS and JETPACKS and CHAINSAWSSS.
Published: 2012/1/8 22:51  Updated: 2012/1/8 22:51
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/6/10
From: Australia
Comments: 246
 Re: Newsletter 93
Sounds interesting, I'll give it a go.
Published: 2012/1/9 12:15  Updated: 2012/1/9 12:15
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 93
Great newsletter dean. I hope I have time to drop in that mincraft server hehe. (Having too much fun turning KF into a SciFi fest lol)
Published: 2012/1/9 12:29  Updated: 2012/1/9 12:29
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Comments: 1503
 Re: Newsletter 93

Published: 2012/1/9 13:11  Updated: 2012/1/9 13:11
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 93
I'll just stick to the vanilla server, finally got my sheep locked up n all.
Published: 2012/1/10 21:38  Updated: 2012/1/10 21:38
Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Comments: 1149
 Re: Newsletter 93
" I'll just stick to the vanilla server, finally got my sheep locked up n all. "

Aww thats just to cute hehe :D

Neways, i might check the buildcraft stuff out as well soon.
I kinda more like watching what people do than go trough the whole " 16 steps to get a shitty axe" thing again lol.
Published: 2012/1/11 9:52  Updated: 2012/1/11 9:53
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Comments: 1503
 Re: Newsletter 93
I kinda more like watching what people do than go trough the whole " 16 steps to get a shitty axe" thing again lol.

Hehehe im the exact the same, for some reason i like watching people do stuff in minecraft. But then again im not alll that creative any way, my houses always look like a 8x8 wood cube lol.


Published: 2012/1/11 23:24  Updated: 2012/1/11 23:24
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
 Re: Newsletter 93
WPC Let's play? I've seen these about, but why not eh.

How long do you want it? From start to mud hut or from start to super buildings and automated drinks dispensers?
Published: 2012/1/12 9:22  Updated: 2012/1/12 9:22
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Comments: 1503
 Re: Newsletter 93
What about what you guys are doing with industrial craft? sort of tutorials on how to build stuff/use etc. Ive never seen any good stuff like that, every one seems to do the vanilla starting type stuff.
Maybe if you do something to stand out from the crowd (like what yogscast did) you'l be youtube famous! millionaires, rolling with the likes of seananners and the epic meal time guys