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Clan Council : Newsletter 89
Posted by Whisky on 2011/12/4 15:20:49 (3730 reads)

Good day to you members!

Member of the Month

Well well, look who it is... it's our very own CHERRY! Well done mate, soon our very HalfDemon will be getting in touch to give you an interview. In the mean time here is your shiny new avatar! What the?! AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!

Bloody creepers, right, where were we? Oh yeah.

Now we've entered the month of December Hydro has begun chasing his tail over the countdown to Christmas. Some cubs never grow up. =) (All together now "aaah")

As I'm likely to retreat into hiding during the next few weeks allow me to say now that I hope you all enjoy yourselves the in the next few weeks regardless. =D Just don't overdo it. =P

A rare picture of a wild Whisky during Christmas

New Members!

Everyone give a big welcome to;


Welcome to the Pack guys, don't forget your [WPC] tags and here's to more fun than a barrel of squirrels.

That's all for now folks, and remember, there is always a wolf ready to howl, so be sure to add your voice to his when he does.

This is Whisky, signing off.

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Author Thread
Published: 2011/12/4 16:25  Updated: 2011/12/4 16:25
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 89
JEEJ, Congratulations Cherry!!
Published: 2011/12/4 16:34  Updated: 2011/12/4 16:34
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 89
Congratz Cherry !!

Welcome to all the new members


Dont forget to sport those new [WPC] tags..
Published: 2011/12/4 17:16  Updated: 2011/12/4 17:16
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 89

PS Happy Birthday to Benjamin! :D
Published: 2011/12/4 20:12  Updated: 2011/12/4 20:14
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 89
..nyoh nyoh nyoh nyoh, it's perfect Hemi!

Thank you a lot Hemi for this great sexy time looking Creeper! ..and of course, thanks to all Wolfies for all fun that we get all together on crazy WPC TS3! <3 <3 <3

I had a hard day at work and I was rly tired, but when I saw this..! ..instantly cheered up : )

Wellcome to the all new Wolfies : )
And happy birthday to Benjamin.

Published: 2011/12/4 21:14  Updated: 2011/12/4 21:14
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/11/27
From: Denver, CO
Comments: 140
 Re: Newsletter 89
Ha! Yay! I made it in! I feel accomplished ^.^ Now to add tags once I get to my steam profile later tonight. At the moment though I shall enjoy my victory at my mom's and I'll be on later tonight
Published: 2011/12/5 14:32  Updated: 2011/12/5 14:41
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: Newsletter 89
Congratz Cherry!!

Welcome all new members! Thanks for the dinners, I had a great time ^^

Tis the season to get absolutly liquored! Stay safe wolves ^^

P.S black shoes and ice don't mix ^^
Published: 2011/12/6 17:08  Updated: 2011/12/6 17:08
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/8/28
Comments: 217
 Re: Newsletter 89
Congratz Cherry, welcome new members!