Hey guys! Another week closer to Christmas/Sinterklaas! :D
Here's a photo from the HL2DM comp last night:
Let's get on to the seriousish stuff!
We have the MOTM interview done by DJ_WooDy! :D
Let's get to know HalfDemon better!
[WPC] DJ WooDy: Wel well well, looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue, cause im here to interview you! How are you doing today, HalfDemon? Hows the weather? [WPC]HalfDemon: I am dandy - for the weather, its snowing already! How you doing, fine DJ? [WPC] DJ WooDy: Well, im good myself. Its cold here, but not nearly as cold as you make it seem over there lol I guess if I do move to a place like Chicago, ill know the true pain of cold. [WPC] DJ WooDy: Wind and Cold, makes it COLDER [WPC]HalfDemon: And rain. 'Avast ye Hydro! [WPC] DJ WooDy: Yeah, that dude knows how to ruin a picnic in the park, arrrg!! [WPC] DJ WooDy: So, btw.....Congrats on being the Member Of the Month! (I havent even gotten that far) *Jealous Face* [WPC]HalfDemon: Yeah, that was a shock to the system! I'm still fresh to the clan and BANG - I have a new epic Avatar - now two thanks to Hemi! [WPC] DJ WooDy: Yeah his work is epic, isnt it? I tried to compete, but apparently stick figures just dont do it. lol [WPC] DJ WooDy: Tell me about yourself, I wanna know everything! Your Name, Your Age, Your Location.....Bloodtype? Hobbies? [WPC]HalfDemon: Damn, well where to begin? [WPC]HalfDemon: I'm sixteen. My real name is Joel (or the DANCE COMMANDER to some). I live high in the misty and mysterious moutains of Scotland around the area of Moray. As the clan can see my true love is for writing, I have already written a book - not published as of yet sadly - and written numerous short stories ONLY for the clan. I also hope to be a Dance Teacher where I'm older haha! [WPC]HalfDemon: And the reason why I have HalfDemon as a nickname is an interesting one: Sometimes, just sometimes, when I put my mind to something - nothing else seems to matter. I WILL complete that task. Hence the name 'Half-Demon' as sometimes I will go a bit mental. Maybe that's why I'm such a good dancer. [WPC]HalfDemon: That's about it, I don't wont to bore you with my life story lol [WPC] DJ WooDy: Now wait a tic, you peeked my interest. Ok, so you write, but what kind of writing? Fiction, Non-Fiction, ABC's? [WPC]HalfDemon: STORIES! Anything and Everything that I can add with a flare of imagination, I'm your man. You need a plot, I'll give you one so complex it'll take you half an hour just to read the summary. [WPC] DJ WooDy: ( I like this guy already ) :) And as far as dance? Specific type or something like I know.....the head bob from Night at the roxbury? [WPC]HalfDemon: Well, I did a bit of ballroom dancing a while back, but that takes a lot of time to get really good at. My dancing is alllll freestyle baby. Give me a tune and I'll just get that party started. For reference, just check out some of the pictures on the 'Paste Your Face' forum, it has a good few moments of my peak at rocking some beats. Although, I was sick twice at that party! XD [WPC]HalfDemon: I hadn't even touched alochol and I had to be sick, you could say I was - drunk off dancing haha [WPC] DJ WooDy: lol Nice, cause usually when im at the party...im sick CAUSE im drunk lol [WPC] DJ WooDy: Ok so tell me, How did you come about to find the WPC and get involved? [WPC]HalfDemon: This is a story in itself to be honest. [WPC]HalfDemon: Well, I was devoted fan of Killing Floor and was inspired to write a background story. Then WHAM BAM the Brute came and smacked all of my plans out of the window, literally, all my plans were made void because of that damn beast - much as I love that ten foot tall beast. So I after checking out a few sleezy custom servers I came across the WPC servers and met, if my memory is correct, Alpha slcing and dicing up everything in his way with his sword - very inspiring to see such a Bezerker churn through several Fleshpounds without taking a dent. After a few games I met up with all the other members and Hemi kindly invited me to the clan. I applied and well after two stories I became a Moon Howler (again, major shock to me!). Then a couple of months later, here I am, still not quite beliving I was picked for MOTM. [WPC]HalfDemon: What made me write stories for the clan was Hydro's own stories that inspired me, just to say. [WPC]HalfDemon: And Snooze's of course :P [WPC] DJ WooDy: Wow! Sounds to me like youve done well for yourself, and proving that you are indeed worthy of the MOTM tittle. Hydro's stories are very awesome just the same, and as far as Alpha...well, he's the HERO (if he hasnt already told you that himself) [WPC] DJ WooDy: Ohhh the stories I could tell about Snooze...omg. But alas, I am here for you! [WPC] DJ WooDy: Tell me, what can you tell me about the History of the WPC, off the top of your head? [WPC] DJ WooDy: ..should have said pop quiz first lol [WPC]HalfDemon: As far as I know - I've haven't been digging up the history books, you know - Solo and Webley started the clan after winning an AVP tournment with the clan? After a while, I think (THINK) Solo lead the clan for a while? Then, as so the clan would never be lead by one dicator, a council was formed. That would elect members after every six months, to keep things balanced. Other than that, I do not know. [WPC]HalfDemon: I've been too busy playing games to really ask those sorts of questions lol [WPC] DJ WooDy: Very good! They wont admit to it, but im pretty sure we were originally gonna be called the CareBear Clan, but the name was taken. Then it went to something about a Water Closet, and then finally the Wolf Pack Clan .....so much can happen so fast, its hard to keep up. [WPC] DJ WooDy: So we already covered your contributions to the clan with your writing n such, but what would you like to see happen with the clan in the future? [WPC]HalfDemon: In terms of developing the clan to new heights, there are a few things I'd like to see, but I don't really think anything extra is essential to the clan - after all the clan is partially about enjoying games as a TEAM, which really was the big lure to me to begin with! But if there is something I would like to see happen is to sort out this infamous 'Party' which keeps on dying down - this WILL happen, its only a matter of time, I really want to meet everyone in person! Oh and yes, I cannot deny that I want an excuse to have a huge epic party and I think with you playing the tunes it would be a night no one would forget. [WPC] DJ WooDy: Oh but maybe you didnt know, Hemi is a DJ too (even tho he doesnt talk about it( *taps recorder* Oops, was this thing on? Id love to, but im in the states, and its hard for me to even move off my lazy chair lol [WPC]HalfDemon: Oh of course! My apologises, it slipped my mind. Its probably because I cannot fathom how many skills that man has! [WPC] DJ WooDy: lol He definatly has a solid character sheet *Nerdism FTM* [WPC] DJ WooDy: Oh you know, I never really ask you about your gaming! i know you said you play Killing Floor, but do you play anything else? Maybe on another platform? [WPC]HalfDemon: Ah yes, I have my trusty PS3. But in this age of greedy companies, the computer is the better choice. I only use my PS3 for games that my weedy CPU can't handle. Mostly I like to play FPS and RTS (First-Person Shooters and Real-Time Stragety). Usually I hate the MMOs and RPGs, yet the new Star Trek Online is really up my street as you can see by my new avatar! [WPC] DJ WooDy: Oh really? Ill have to check out Star Trek when I can! So whats your fav game atm then? [WPC]HalfDemon: I would have to say that Star Trek is the game I play the most - but I'm still in awe of the new 'Space Marine' game, despite a few flaws of its potrayal of the WH40K universe. That's my big fav atm. [WPC]HalfDemon: Killing Orks with a chainsword never gets old. [WPC] DJ WooDy: lol Who wouldnt want to destroy such an "innocent" face with a chainsaw lol [WPC] DJ WooDy: Random FACT of the DAY: Did you know that the original name for Pac-Man was Puck-Man? You'd think it was because he looks like a hockey puck but it actually comes from the Japanese phrase 'Paku-Paku,' which means to flap one's mouth open and closed. They changed it because they thought Puck-Man would be too easy to vandalize, you know, like people could just scratch off the P and turn it into an F or whatever. [WPC]HalfDemon: Really?! Though I can see the endless comments arsing from Duck-man if they did go ahead with that, you know what I mean? [WPC] DJ WooDy: lol Indeed [WPC] DJ WooDy: So I just have a couple more questions, and ill let you get on to real life again. [WPC]HalfDemon: Nay bother. [WPC] DJ WooDy: 1. Why wont you play Hello Kitty Island Adventure with me? [WPC] DJ WooDy: no jk [WPC] DJ WooDy: Do you have any moments in your time with the WPC that youde share? Something epic, or funny? [WPC]HalfDemon: Because I wouldn't have a life again. It would be just you me, skipping into the sunshine and rainbows. Alas, people require me for skills at the moment. But one day DJ, one day, I'll be there for you. [WPC] DJ WooDy: <3 [WPC]HalfDemon: There is a fine selection of moments to pick, let me think... [WPC]HalfDemon: Well to pick the most recent 'epic moment', it has to be when Hemi gifted me Star Trek Online. I mean seriously, the guy has given me two frigging sexy avatars and then allowed me to go and slaughter the Borg with my good 'old Battleth as long as I could ever wish for. Qap'la! [WPC]HalfDemon: There's so many to pick from, but that's the most recent :D [WPC] DJ WooDy: Nice! Hemi is one good dude indeed! [WPC] DJ WooDy: let me think...hmmm.... [WPC] DJ WooDy: Remember Remember the 26th of November, The gunpowder, treason and plot There was a question, I was suppost to ask But dammit, I forgot.... [WPC] DJ WooDy: Oh yeah, I remember now [WPC] DJ WooDy: A random Clan Member with a whip ( I wont mention any names) wanted to know a simple thing about you. Remember, youre taking a polygrip test (or was that polygraph, I forget)... so no lieing! Whats your dark secret? Hmmm? [WPC]HalfDemon: A dark secret? What sort of secret are we talking about here? [WPC] DJ WooDy: I dunno, you tell me....she...errr we want to know! [WPC]HalfDemon: What you mean like a secret like I'm going to the WPC party as Two-Face? [WPC]HalfDemon: Ah SHEEEEEEEEET [WPC]HalfDemon: There we go, idiot me. #facepalm# [WPC] DJ WooDy: DING DING DING! [WPC] DJ WooDy: We have a winner! [WPC] DJ WooDy: Alright so, Thank you for your time, I will let you go kill some more bork...err borg for the time being. Congratz once again! This concludes this weeks interview. I thank you for coming on the show HalfDemon. Im WooDy, and this is BBC News....err WPC News. Over and OUT! [WPC]HalfDemon: QAP'LA!
Thats the interview! Good job Woody! :D
And for the HL2DM:
Ziwe4100, Xenomorph, myself and Whiskey played, and i must say it was nice to be reunited with my crossbow!
If any of you guys would like a game night, tell us what game and we'll see can we turn it into a competition!
BF3 Server: We have a BF3 server now guys! You can check it out here if you have an account! http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ ... toon/2832655391338877929/
That's all folks! Remember, there's always a wolf in the woods and one with a need to dance!