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Competitions : Death By Flying Urinal Round 2
Posted by Whisky on 2011/11/18 19:03:05 (8433 reads)

Well we had so much fun with that mini HL2DM game I thought we should do another! =D

HL2DM mini tournament will be held Saturday 26th Nov 11PM GMT.
Competition is open to all WPC Members.
There will be a warm up session before hand to allow all players to get settled. 11PM GMT on the nose the event will start. If you have not logged on to the server by this time you won't be able to enter the competition. After the 3 rounds the server will be open for those who wish to keep playing any anyone else that wants to join in for a chaotic free for all dog pile. So we can get an idea of numbers if you are interested just let me (Whisky) know.
It will consist of three 10min rounds. At the end of each round the players will be awarded points. After three rounds the points will be tallied and the winner determined. The winner will be announced in the Sunday Newsletter.
Jumping into TeamSpeak is encouraged but not required. We will also be hoping to stream this so those not part of the game and watch and cheer one another on.
That's all the info for now, if you have any questions please ask and I'll try and answer best I can.
Remember to have fun, play nice and give it your all.
This is Whisky, signing off.

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/10/16 11:26  Updated: 2013/10/16 11:27
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/5/24
From: Behind you. (Netherlands :D)
Comments: 800
 Re: Death By Flying Urinal Round 2
Edit: Nvm, I said nothing.