Hello wolves! It's me Hydro!

Here you can see Snooze, LordDean and me on Tinychat, aren't we a good looking bunch? More info on tinychat in the newsletter
And now for the MOTM interview with Buzz, as done by Tesla :D
Tesla: meh, rather just interview you in person Buzz: ok..ask awat then Buzz: dont have too much time tho Buzz: so ask away Tesla: ah, ok Tesla: Real name? Buzz: Ronnie Buzz: Ronnie Aponte Tesla: So... how many centuries ago did you join WPC, and why? Buzz: late 2002 around november....I was hosting BF1942 servers and these 2 guys kept playing on my servers [tiddles/oaksy ] and they invited me to stop by the site Buzz: then i started hosting servers for the WPC AVP2/BF1942/ and all the mods that came with them Tesla: nico what do you do here, just host all the servers? Buzz: mainly hosting -as well as ex council member as I recently gave up my seet for some new blood, I also am a webmaster for the site making changes to the design of the site as well as add new content Tesla: ok, short bonus question... why is my description in Teamspeak, "shockingly large nipples"? Buzz: lol..dont realy no..lol Buzz: thats funny Tesla: ahhahaaah Buzz: love that question Tesla: yeways, if you could have 50 thousand euros to spend on the clan, what would you do? Buzz: hmmm Buzz: not really sure...theres not to much as far as funds that we need, we are a self sustained clan ,,as we provide all we need from the members that contribute in there own way ..take for instance solo -he provides the website host and the knowhow to code the site for us- BUZZ/LD/B-2 provide all the servers,, Buzz: so there is not much we need... Buzz: ok there is one thing.... Buzz: I would get us all a hotel and pay the way for members to have a bad ass weekend meeting eachother Tesla: where would it be though? Buzz: we would vote on it i guess.....I vote england as i want to go there one day Tesla: nice, nice... okay, next question, you open up your fridge, and there's one bottle and a plate, what's on the plate and in the bottle? Buzz: steak potatos and ice tea Buzz: lol Tesla: heh, so where do you live? you don't have to be specific, but nobody's gonna go and ask you for a loan Buzz: lol..haha In New York City Tesla: cool, so what do you do when you're not a sla- er... helping out with the clan? Tesla: seems they needed an american to interview another one XD Buzz: hmm u mean as recreation ..or work? Tesla: both? Buzz: k Buzz: I enjoy spending time with the family I have 2 daughter Bryanna & Kasey wich are part of the clan, as well as my lovely wife Elaine... Buzz: I am a Central station Manager/ we handle fire /burglar alarms for the NYC metro area/ I also created the many websites for my company . Buzz: and I have been so very busy at work these days..Grrrrrrrrrrr Tesla: heh, it must be horrible with all the new security procedures and such Buzz: yes indeed it is... Buzz: we do alot of video surveillance as I dont believe in cameras all across the city ..it is my job tho :( Buzz: it pays the bills.. Tesla: yep, work is work, no matter how much you like it, you gotta do it Buzz: thats so true Tesla: well, next question, favorite game? Buzz: hmmm Buzz: I have a few Buzz: mmmmm.....I must say BF1942 was my all time fav.. Buzz: I enjoyed the mods that came out like desert combat Tesla: well, lately there's been all this talk about expanding into a new game, what game do you think would be good for the clan? Tesla: i think an old game would be fine, but people seem to want something newer Buzz: CM might be a good choice as it has co-op and i do love AVP and the alien series as a second fav game Buzz: colonial marines Buzz: but we a democratic clan and it will have to be voted on Buzz: just caus one or t2 members like a game dosent mean the clan must go in that direction. Buzz: 1 or 2 members Buzz: it must be somthing we all agree on Buzz: as AVP brought this clan back from the dead .. Buzz: it is not played by most members Tesla: true, true. now, if you could have one animal, and had space and money to keep it, what would it be? Buzz: a Bear............ Buzz: lol Buzz: kidding ..a wolf of course Tesla: nice, you think if WPC had a base, we'd keep an actual wolf pack? Buzz: lol...naaaa Tesla: so, what's your favorite color? Buzz: blue Tesla: nice, you like the ocean? Buzz: yes i love the water . Tesla: heh, from this interview i can tell you're really dedicated to WPC, do you dream about killing floor, or just rudolph's sister? Buzz: lol..hahahaha Buzz: i never seen his sister..lol Buzz: but no I am not the bigest KF fan dont get me wrong it is a good game tho Tesla: you're just here for the brotherhood then, huh? Buzz: I have met some good people here ,and yes its all about what we all have in common we have a place to go and be with people like us.... Tesla: sweet, who would you meet though, if you could hang out with ONE member who would it be? Buzz: besides wanting to thank SOLO in person ..hmmm I am not so sure.. I would love to meet my old m8 tiddles as him and I spent many years gaming every night Buzz: [wpc]Tiddles Buzz: when i think of WPC he was the most dedicated member Of us all , Buzz: he kept the wpc way alive for years Tesla: okay Tesla: how old are you, seems like you've been here forever? Buzz: I am 38 years old Buzz: born in 19783 Buzz: Grrrrrrrrrrrr Tesla: whooo, double my age, you guys are making me feel young and irresponsible Buzz: lol...no worries Tesla: well, anything you'd like to tell the newer members (me, etc....)? Buzz: just to be who they are and speek you mind on the forums as well as be polite to other members. Tesla: alright, well, i've taken enough time away from your Tesla: AVP Buzz: lol..np was fun Tesla: so, back to gaming for you, and i'll throw this chat at snooze Buzz: kk..c ya tesla Tesla: have fun man Buzz: thanks :) Buzz: hey wait Buzz: you forgot to ask me if i had a boyfriend Buzz: lol Tesla: XD, that was Cherry's question, he wants to know Tesla: so, you got a boyfriend, a pool-boy on the side? Buzz: its my darling Webley Buzz: lol
Did ye like that interview? We now know a bit more about our veteran, Buzz jeeej!
 Clan Jobs:If any of ye have seen our Codex, www.wolfpackclan.com/modules/edito/9-the-wolf-codex.html you may have seen some ranks such as the following, that we would like some of ye to try out for! There will be a topic made for each post where you can apply and state a reason why you think you should get it!
Heres the positions available:
Pack Warrior: Otherwise known as the War admin, this post is all about organising matches with other clans, and even gaming nights. Remember be nice to other clans, we're not biased here :D
Pack Keeper: These are our forum moderators, in charge of keeping them spam free, and moving topics to their proper forum. Each Pack Keeper will be in charge of a forum relating to a game/ type.
Pack Master: This is the recruitment post, where you try and get new members, whether it's in game or online. You bring us new peeps! jeeeeej
Lair Keeper: You will be given rights to some servers and will be helping the server admins. Making sure there are no errors, mismatches or conflicts in the server, to make sure the servers are running smoothly, you will also answer questions from the members and weigh the options whether to kick or ban people from the servers in which case you will talk to the veteran server admins. Monitoring the chat channels from the web admin to see the general opinion of the server from the public, You will learn what is right and what is wrong for a server and will gain access to LordDean's UK Servers only. LordDean's Assistant if you will.
And the last job is very speciaaaaaal
Hydro's Assistant: Aye, I'll be needing an assistant, someone who'll be helping me with my job, i.e Clan PR. So you'll be helping me with Facebook, twitter and Advertising, as long as Tinychat :D The benefits are numerous and you get to spend time with me, awwwwww
Tinychat: Tinychat has become really shiney with the new updates, as you saw from the first image, it is a webcam chatroom that you can talk and see other members! It's a good thing to occasionally use with the lag to a minimal now, it can hold up to 25 people i believe but webcam isnt a necessity, you can pop on and see our beautiful faces!
The Voice of the Members: And here it is, our new representative for the members is....... Alpha! You will be the person who members can talk to about problems, anonymously, and then tell the council about it and we can work together in solving it :D We'll be a happy family!
Competition: Whisky is proposing a game of Half life 2 Deathmatch on the 22nd of October, at 10PM GMT, with 3 x 10 min rounds and the winner will be announced the day after! More fun for the WPC :D
Thats all for this week, remember! there's always a wolf in the woods, and one in NYC, that we <3