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Clan Council : Newsletter 75
Posted by Alpha_Cephei on 2011/8/28 10:50:00 (3990 reads)

What about you ye wolves?

Last newsletter for me guys and I hope it'll be a grand send of!

Today we have mega, huge, unadulterated, majassive news!

We have a new council guys!!!

Votes were counted all through the night and I give Solo my personnal thanks and pat on the back for sifting through the thousands upon thousands of ballet papers for todays results ^^

The new Council for WPC, in alphabetical order is,

1. LordDean
2. Whisky
3. Hemi
4. Hydro
5. Snooze

By the way I lied about the order
Never trust an Irishman. Especially one that carries a pig under his arm and offers "I'll paint your house now, but watch out, I might steal your ladder hohoho"

So there we have our new council! I wish these lucky folks great times and happy days!
My god, I sound like a fortune cookie...


Server News

Lets start of with the biggest news! We have a new Serious Sam server! "Let's hear a few details ya muppet" I hear you cry ^^
Nay prablem leds!

Run through the co-op campaign with 16 people competing for the best score!
If your score is lacking some what, kill a few mates and bring them down a notch, or 10 ^^
The server is available through the in game browser or right here, in my van
Only messin' it's right here!

Nest, that's right, I said next

Is a wee reminder for sever 5 on Killing Floor.
It's a "Mate. Mate! Mate!! Mate!!!" server. If you didn't quite catch that, it's a "fu*king MAYDAY" server!
Give it a try!!!
It's well worth the 3 seconds it takes for you to die and the other 57 seconds screaming "WTF was that??? How the *beep beep beep* survive that *beep beep*! What a piece f *beep beep*!"
It's great craic ^^


New Members

We have new members this week. Ratfink, Ziwe4100, Dishatred, Docholliday! Welcome guys!
You may have noticed we have had a lot of new members applying! So lets extend our freakishly long arms (I'm gonna assume from gaming here  ) and make these guys/gals feel welcome here! It's always fantastic to see new members here and I hope you guys have many happy days with us!
Welcome to all new applicants ^^


Holy Moly! I think that's it folks!

One more thing to say my fellow wolves. This is my send of! Not the goin' down is a blaze of fire, cider, a wee bit of harumphing, is, I must say, quite a shock
It's been a pleasure being your council member for the past 6 months! And all I can do is wish the new Council the best of the happy days I can send them ^^
Remember guys! There's always a wolf in the woods: and one willing to burn down any building for a small, but minimal fee ^^

Alpha, signing out!
Ciao guys!
Love you all ^^

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Author Thread
Published: 2011/8/28 12:03  Updated: 2011/8/28 12:03
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/6/10
From: Australia
Comments: 246
 Re: Newsletter 75
Dammit, didn't make it in ):

Published: 2011/8/28 12:28  Updated: 2011/8/28 12:28
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: Newsletter 75
There's always next time mate ^^
Published: 2011/8/28 16:04  Updated: 2011/8/28 16:04
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 75
Back in the sadle again! Jeeeeeej :D Thanks to all that voted for me!! :D

Welcome new members!
Published: 2011/8/28 16:31  Updated: 2011/8/28 16:31
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Newsletter 75
Congratulation guys and gales, and good luck to Wiskey for his first seat.

Published: 2011/8/28 16:38  Updated: 2011/8/28 16:38
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Newsletter 75
Congratz to everyone!!
Published: 2011/8/28 17:52  Updated: 2011/8/28 17:52
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/6/12
From: San Diego, CA
Comments: 18
 Re: Newsletter 75
congrats council!
and congrats to all fellow wolflings! we can eat meat now!!!
Published: 2011/8/28 23:30  Updated: 2011/8/28 23:30
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 75
2nd term in council lol thanks guys :D

And welcome to the new members! I shall be talking to you all :D
Published: 2011/8/29 0:52  Updated: 2011/8/29 0:52
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/3
From: Round Rock, TX
Comments: 181
 Re: Newsletter 75
Grats to the new council & grats to the new members !!
Published: 2011/8/29 8:15  Updated: 2011/8/29 8:15
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/8/28
Comments: 217
 Re: Newsletter 75
congrats council!
and congrats to all fellow wolflings! we can eat meat now!!!

Published: 2011/8/29 19:15  Updated: 2011/8/29 19:15
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/6/15
From: Poland, Tychy
Comments: 269
 Re: Newsletter 75
Conor is in council? Good! So there's no need to the send killer potato to fix things... Congrats!

Published: 2011/8/29 21:09  Updated: 2011/8/29 21:09
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: Newsletter 75
The killer potato is still on hold!
Published: 2011/8/30 23:39  Updated: 2011/8/30 23:39
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Newsletter 75
awesome newsletter man!! and congrats new council!! lots of love - Webley
Published: 2011/8/31 17:17  Updated: 2011/8/31 17:17
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/24
From: A bird's nest
Comments: 403
 Re: Newsletter 75
I, for one, welcome our new Council overlords.
Published: 2011/9/3 19:24  Updated: 2011/9/3 19:24
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/5/1
From: Ab'Dendriel
Comments: 293
 Re: Newsletter 75
Coingratz to the new council! Majassive news!
Published: 2011/9/5 15:17  Updated: 2011/9/5 15:17
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/11/4
From: UK
Comments: 160
 Re: Newsletter 75
Congrats to everyone, especially new kid on the block 'Whisky'