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Clan Council : Newsletter 74
Posted by Hydro on 2011/8/21 20:00:00 (3448 reads)

Here are the 7 candidates for the council!


The voting poll will be set up shortly and you have until next
sunday to vote for your candidate! :D

And onto our MOTM interview done by Hemi!

[WPC] Hemi: ready for this random interview?
[WPC] Zaku: My body is ready.. bring it on!
[WPC] Hemi: Name?
[WPC] Zaku: Isaac Alacrity Montague Doyle... Quite a mouthful :P
[WPC] Hemi: as with many things
[WPC] Hemi: so...why did you join this clan?
[WPC] Zaku: Well started out with me lurking around on the killing floor forums, during the summer me, Ruldolph and Zeron were hosting the Pikey Whorehouse.. i had got a taste for custom content and wanted to try my hand at it.. so i did the nooby thing of asking around the community forums about the ins and outs.. and the community seemed very hostile, besides this bunch named The Wolfpack Clan.. Who were soon to bring out the brute, which got me all excited.. so i wanted to check it out
[WPC] Hemi: Tadaa!
[WPC] Hemi: The clan owes you, since you brought a bunch of members with you. Which we really appreciate. How would like to contribute the clan in the future?
[WPC] Zaku: Well i'm hoping to help make brink a popular clan game.. got it in wales and have pretty much played it all day.. hopfully help get peeps into that.. I can't think of much else i can help with presently but i don't mind getting a tap on the shoulder and being told to do something :P
[WPC] Hemi: Best game ever played
[WPC] Hemi: ?

[WPC] Zaku: well just for the sheer amount of time i played it, it'd have to be quake wars enemy territory.. played for two years solid xD
[WPC] Hemi: If you could multitask (men can't do that apearantly) and use both hands to make em do crazy shit...seperatly. What would you do first?
[WPC] Zaku: More than likely touch myself AND turn the pages..
[WPC] Hemi: impressive
[WPC] Hemi: question
[WPC] Hemi: if you could choose one release of a game sothat it would be released RIGHT away...which game would it be?
[WPC] Hemi: all known and rumoured
[WPC] Zaku: It'd probably be a toss up between Skyrim and Space marine..
Non formal stuff
[WPC] Hemi: If you could blow something up legally..what would it be?
[WPC] Hemi: dont say holland
[WPC] Zaku: Caravans would be top of the list.. Oh no Seagulls actually.. I can't state how much i hate the little shaggers... they're like pikeys reicarnated as something more annoying..
[WPC] Hemi: indeed...I myself would go for pigions
[WPC] Zaku: Someones been shat on one time too many?
[WPC] Hemi: I you could rent a midget for a day, what would you make em do?
[WPC] Hemi: and yes I have
[WPC] Hemi: it involves food, so I wont go into it too much
[WPC] Zaku: Had that happen to me once.. with chinese food >.<
[WPC] Hemi: a seagull shat in your chinese?
[WPC] Hemi: thats awkward..
[WPC] Hemi: interessting and furiating at the same time
[WPC] Zaku: And a midget for a day.. my god.. well first thing i'd do is force it to put on a ginger wig and beard and declare "ach whars me magners?" then i'd probably get bored and push it off something high..
[WPC] Hemi: that make me laugh
[WPC] Hemi: makes
[WPC] Hemi: moving on
[WPC] Hemi: ok...if you could have any sort of pet you wanted, and had the space for it. What would it be?
[WPC] Zaku: They're yet to breed a cow that shoots hot tea and milk from it's udders so i think i'd have to settle for a tiger.. cos they look like they'd make awesome bean bags to sleep on.. and they can maul the jehovas that wake me up every thursday morning
[WPC] Hemi: lol, good answer
[WPC] Hemi: edward penishands is actually a porn movie. Is it real?
[WPC] Zaku: If it is, i'm ashamed to have never seen it
[WPC] Hemi: What does the term HerpaDerp mean?
[WPC] Zaku: to my knowledge it's a reference to being a mong :P
[WPC] Hemi: (since you basicly were the first to use it)
[WPC] Hemi: lol
[WPC] Hemi: If you had to destroy a clan members computer, who would you choose?
[WPC] Zaku: Meemo's cos it's sooo OP
[WPC] Hemi: If you had 5000 euros to spend on a clanmember...who would you give it too?
[WPC] Zaku: I'd spilt it to give some to hydro to get sexual educaaation, some to alpha to get magners, Snooze to get a new laptop and of course 50 sluts for Mr.Hemi
[WPC] Hemi: whats the 1 thing that irretates you the most in all the world?
[WPC] Zaku: Probably when my parents imitate the knock from the bing bang theory in order to wake me up..
[WPC] Hemi: If you had no arms anymore, would you learn to play with your feet or something else?
[WPC] Zaku: Probably not.. if i had no arms i'd probably do something stupid like go on a reality show...
[WPC] Hemi: Whats the best darn movie you ever watched in yer life!
[WPC] Zaku: Probably Rubber and Ruldolph and Rudeboy will testify to it's greatness XD
[WPC] Hemi: Whats the grosest meal you ever ate?
[WPC] Zaku: Probably that one time a babysitter forced me to eat my own vomit..
[WPC] Hemi: From who would you like a tatoo autograph?
[WPC] Hemi: if you had to choose
[WPC] Zaku: Ruldolphs sister ;)
[WPC] Hemi: hahahaha
[WPC] Zaku: on my right ass cheek
[WPC] Hemi: If you could choose anywere in the world to go live, where would you go
[WPC] Zaku: Probably Holland so i can annoy/visit all the mainland europe WPC members :P

There we go! And onto server news....

Since yesterday and today, server 5 has been given an official name instead
of a generic one: WPC 5 QUARANTINE!
What does this mean? Its a nuthouse basically! Circus zeds, doom monsters,
the brute, shiver etc. etc. more than 40 different monsters!
Also, a machine gun pack has been added to the stores, bringing the gun total
to 55! Madness....yessssssss.....

Next week, server 6 is up for a name change that will last it's entire lifespan,
What do the members want to call the normal modded server? Baptise server
6 and your description will be there until the server isnt! Get creative! and
Think hard!

Remember guys, there's always a wolf in the woods, and 7 running for council!

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Author Thread
Published: 2011/8/21 22:15  Updated: 2011/8/21 22:15
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 74
I managed to get the poll working! :D Not sure if I did it right though.. still waiting on word from the big man himself.
Published: 2011/8/22 9:15  Updated: 2011/8/22 9:15
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 74
Its confirmed, the poll works! So get voting on your new council!

Love the interview again XD And I get a new laptop! Jeej!!! :D